
24 Sep 2018-25 Sep 2018|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

Two Day International Workshop on Environment, Climate Change and Impact on Human Health

To commemorate ‘Ozone Day’ and ‘World Environment Health Day’, Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management (AIETSM) and Amity Institute of Environmental Sciences(AIES) organized a two day International Workshop on Environment, Climate Change and Impact on Human Health to sensitize students, faculty members and staff about the importance of Environmental protection through Ozone and also concerns for safety of environment and public health at Amity University,Sector 125 Noida. 

Apprising about his book “The Challenges of 21st Century”, Dr. Markandey Rai, UN Habitat said that book is published in two volumes covering the major challenges of this century namely the global peace which despite several measures couldn’t be achieved by any country, youth empowerment, environment-especially ozone layer depletion and sustainable urbanization, which are the most eminent challenges among many. Dr. Rai informed that presently, 54% of world population resides in urban areas and by 2050, this percentage will rise to 66%. Hence, there will issue pertaining the resource division. He remarked that it is the responsibility of every individual to propose and provide some possible solutions and not only of government.

Sharing his views, Dr. M.P. George, Scientist 'D', DPCC, Delhi said that Delhi has been ranked as the top polluted city which not due to pollution but dust.He stressed upon the issue of ozone depletion and mentioned that from past 100 years, environment has been neglected in the name of development. The problems like climate change, ozone, ice melting is a result of environmental exploitation. Mr. George called upon the students to carry out necessary measured to save the environment and promote sustainable development.

Prof. Tanu Jindal, Director AIES & AIETSM highlighted about environmental conservation initiatives carried out by Amity University.   She further talked on Ozone Layer Depletion, Indoor Air Pollution, Use of Chemicals and Health Impacts.

The workshop was attended by hundreds of students of Amity University.