
07 Sep 2018-12 Sep 2018|Noida | D Block

“Brainstorming Sessions” for in-service teachers of Delhi/NCR

Amity Institute of Education, Amity University, U.P. organised “Brainstorming Sessions” for in-service teachers of Delhi/NCR for four days. The in-service teachers of various schools got an opportunity to share their innovations in or out of classrooms and the challenges being faced by them in the implementation of these innovations along with their success stories.

These sessions were held for the teachers of Language,Science, Social Science and school counsellors respectively. Apart from these subject teachers the teachers teaching other subjects also shared their innovations on the following sub themes.

1.      Pedagogical innovations in Language Education with special reference to Verbal and Non-verbal Communication: The Key to Understanding Others

2.      Pedagogical innovations in Science Education with special reference to Promoting education for sustainable development

3.      Pedagogical innovations in Social science education with reference to Impact of Media on Indian Culture

4.      Providing guidance and counselling to students with special reference to Aggression In Adolescence and Gender Perspective

A total of 41 teachers from 16 schools of Delhi/NCR participated in these sessions. There were interactive sessions that were attended by the students of B.Ed. semester I of Amity Institute of Education.