
30 Aug 2018|Noida | C Block Auditorium

Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS) and Amity Institute of Education (AIE) organize a Guest lecture on “ENVISIONING TEACHER EDUCATION OVER A PERIOD OF 50 YEARS: A PEDAGOGICAL ANALYSIS”

Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS) and Amity Institute of Education (AIE) organized a Guest lecture on “ENVISIONING TEACHER EDUCATION OVER A PERIOD OF 50 YEARS: A PEDAGOGICAL ANALYSIS

Dr. Harish  Kumar (Head , Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences) accorded a warm welcome to the guest speaker of the day Prof. Mohd. Miyan, former Vice- Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University,Hyderabad and who is at  present  member of various organizations such as UGC and NAAC. Prof Miyan has also been Officiating Vice Chancellor of English and Foreign Language University, Hyderabad and also Officiating Vice Chancellor for Central University of Orissa. He has also represented the Government of India in many cases in UNESCO Seminars.

The auspicious inaugural comprising of lighting of lamp and saraswati vandana,  was followed by honouring the resource person with the customary Tulsi sapling and Memento.

A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops. Prof. Mohammad Miyan  is one such legend in the field of education. Prof.Miyan enlightened   the audience about the history of teacher education courses and the current status of teacher education programmes and reflected on the significant changes and developments in the field of Teacher Education. He very beautifully and intricately explained the differences that are evident in the field of teacher education from past years. “Education, he emphasized, is an  all-round development of the body, mind and soul”. He added the fact that the essence of Bloomstaxonomy is to exactly develop the three domains- cognitive, affective and psychomotor which correspond to the above said adage . A special mention was made of the primary, elementary, secondary and senior secondary stages of the school and how a  teacher should be prepared according to the content level and background of the students. Prof Miyan reiterated that a teacher should adopt or decide the method of teaching according to the understanding level of the students and therefore, the role ofthe teacher is not just limited to teaching but extends also to understanding students. Pedagogy is not just “the method and practice of teaching an academic subject” but “to understand student by noting every aspect of the child”concluded Prof. M. Miyan

The resourceful talk drew to a close with a question answer session. The deliberations helped the audience clear a lot of doubts. The Guest Lecture enriched the audience and gave a new approach to pedagogy. The event was a great success and bestowed Amitians a platform for analyzing,envisioning and enhancing respect towards the noble profession. The event concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Alka Muddgal (Head ,AmityInstitute of Education)