
29 Aug 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization

International Conference on Reliability, InfocomTechnologies and Optimization 

AmityInstitute of Information Technology (AIIT) in association with Computer Societyof India (CSI) and technically sponsored by The Institute of Electricaland Electronics Engineers (IEEE) started a three day 7th InternationalConference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’2018)at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector-125, Noida Campus.


Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh said that Information Technology is developing ata rapid pace and has been a core functioning element for most of theorganizations. Though, technology has made life easier for many but there arevarious challenges that needs to be addressed including data protection, cybersecurity etc. She averred that scientists across the globe are working towardsdeveloping an intruder detection and protection system to ensure complete cybersecurity. 


Inauguratingthe conference, Prof. (Dr.) M. P. Poonia, Vice-Chairman, All India Councilfor Technical Education said that at present, there are 900 Universities,43, 000 colleges and 10, 500 technical institutes in India providing sufficientinfrastructure for higher education enrolments.  “The aim of AICTE is toformulate holistic teaching pedagogy for students so that they are accepted asglobal professionals. The students should be nurtured as human resource ofglobal level.” avers Dr. Poonia. He stressed upon the challenge that only 25out of 100 students after class XIIth enroll for higher education in India.“Country will only develop when the more students will enroll for highereducation.” he added.


Dr.Poonia informed that the technical higher education infrastructure in India canenroll 3.7million students annually but unfortunately, 50% of infrastructure isunutilized due to low number of enrolments, i.e around 2 million. He pointedthat out of the total enrolment, only 1.3 million students are able to graduateand even in that, only 700,000 students get placement. He emphasized uponreforms in Indian education system according to societal needs. The need of thehour is to bridge the gap between industry requirement of skill based globalprofessionals and the existing technical education. He called upon the educationalinstitutions to generate the interest of students in technical education andadvised the teachers to monitor whether every student is able to learn aboutwhat is taught to them.


Dr.Poonia highlighted few suggestions by AICTE including revision of curriculum inevery three years, teacher training which should be mandatory for new teachers,induction program for students for atleast 21 days, creating entrepreneurialencouraging environment , exams should have outcome based assessment, perspectiveplan to be formulated after assessment of manpower needs and establishment ofindustry interaction cell.


Addressingthe gathering, Sh. Upmith Singh, Vice-President, Strategy, Policy andProgram Management, Government e-Marketplace (GeM), Govt. of India saidthat Information technology has become an integral part of our lives andbriefed about various e-governance programmes that has reformed the publicsector. He remarked that with technological advancements, there has been arising concern over data privacy and security. Mr. Singh called upon thegathering to deliberate and provide effective solutions to prevent breaching ofdata or personal information.


Duringthe inaugural session, Dr. (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla and Prof. Sunil KumarKhatri, Director, AIIT & General Chair, ICRITO 2018 conferred HonoraryProfessorship upon Prof. Darelle van Greunen, Director, Center for CommunityTechnologies, Nelson Mandela University and Port Elizabeth, South Africa andProf. Jianhua Ma, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, HoseiUniversity, Tokyo, Japan


Theinauguration was followed by keynote addresses by international academicians onvarious topics including “Statistical Inference through Machine-Learning andIts Applications in Big Data” by Prof. Hoang Pham, Department of Industrial andSystems Engineering, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA; “The Progression ofImage Engineering in This Century” by Prof. Yu-Jin ZHANG, Director, Instituteof Information Cognition and Intelligent Systems, Department of ElectronicEngineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and “Diagnosing SpinePathology using Medical Image Analysis” by Prof. Vipin Chaudhary, SUNY EmpireInnovation Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, StateUniversity of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo (UB) amongst others.

The three day conference haswitnessed the attendance by eminent delegates and speakers from across theglobe including USA, China, Germany, UK, Australia, Japan, South Africa, UAE,South Korea etc. and several Government organization such as DRDO, ISRO, BARC,NDA, CSIO, SL and NPTI.

Also, more than 130 researchpapers will be presented by scholars from IITs, IITM Gwalior, IIM Lucknow,NITs, JNU, Jamia Millia Islamia, DTU and many others.