
27 Aug 2018|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

Amity University signs MoU with United Service Institution of India (USI)

AmityUniversity signs MoU with United Service Institution of India (USI) foracademic and research collaboration for Defense Studies and Strategy


Today,Amity University signed an MoU with the most premier strategic ‘Think Tanks’ ofthe Country, United Service Institution of India (USI) to collaborate forvarious research initiatives specific to Defense Studies and Strategy atUniversity campus, sector 125, Noida.


TheMoU was signed by Maj. Gen. B. K. Sharma, Dy. Dir. Research, USI and Dr. B LArya, Registrar, Amity University Uttar Pradesh in the presence of Lt.Gen. P.  K. Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd.), Director USI; Dr.Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President- Amity Education Group; Dr. Sunita Singh,Pro Vice Chancellor, Amity University; Dr. W Selvamurthy, Vice Chancellor,Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation amongst other seniorofficials of Amity.


Underthe MoU, USI will cooperate academically on contemporary strategic issues toformulate the ‘Overall Strategy’ & ‘Road Map’ to mutually benefit Amitystudents and the Institutions. The academic and research collaboration willalso incorporate the following points:


(a)To infuse an ‘Awareness Revolution’ pertaining to important security &strategic related aspects impacting our nation amongst the Students, with aview to build up their knowledge base and develop their acumen and perceptionfor strategic thinking, contributing to a more erudite citizenry and betterplacements with renowned Institutions.

(b)Conduct of special Lectures cum Workshops by the USI Faculties of about twohours duration on concurrent strategy & security issues that will includenarrative building, team discussions & Question/Answer sessions.

(c)Conduct of similar Lecture cum Workshops at different locations of AmityUniversity in India & Abroad.

(d)Conduct of central Lectures by the senior staff of USI for staff & studentsof Amity University.

(e)‘Special Faculty Development’ Programmes to enable the Faculty to includestrategic thinking & futuristic planning in the curriculum, while teachingResearch Methodology to students.

(f)Conduct of ‘Internship Programmes’ for Amity students at their premises as perexisting fee norms.

(g)Organized conduct of visits to Amity University for various Indian/ foreigndelegations coming to USI and vice versa.

(h)Conduct of visits of Amity students to USI to understand functioning of thesepremier ‘Think Tanks’ and to use the reference material available with them.


Duringthe occasion, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan conferred Honorary Professorship upon Lt.Gen. P.  K. Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd.), Director USI.


Expressinghis gratitude for the honor bestowed upon him, Lt. Gen. P.  K. Singh commendedthat it is a matter of great privilege to have an association with a worldclass University like Amity. He apprised that that the collaboration will focuson quality strategic panel discussions and organize knowledge augmentationprogrammes to enhance the awareness levels of Amity faculty members andstudents. He called upon the budding global leaders to challenge themselves andexpand their knowledge horizon by thinking beyond their comfort zone. Headvised the students to inculcate the habit of continuous learning and set newparadigms for a successful future. Lt. Gen Singh opined that an individual mustalso possess emotional intelligence to succeed. 


Sharinghis views, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan said that students must take inspirationfrom such eminent personalities who have contributed at great length towardsserving the nation. He mentioned that Amity has always provided holisticdevelopment along with inculcating ethos and values in every student, so thatevery Amitian contribute significantly to make India - a Superpower.