
13 Aug 2018|Noida | C Block Auditorium

Independence Day Celebrations by students of Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences

Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences organized the Independence Day Celebrations  wherein students of the institute performed patriotic dance, skits and songs The performances showcased the spirit of patriotism, freedom and National awareness that every citizen should encompass in his or her personality. 

The Cos Play performed by the students highlighted  the eminent Indian leaders and their struggle for Independence along with  a skit showcasing the life of a soldier and the hardships a soldier has to face for the sake of the country. The performances also reiterated the need for providing speedy justice and promoting equality for every citizen even in the present times.

To motivate the students and inspire them, Dr. Harish Kumar (Off.HOI, Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences ) was called to share his thoughts and reflections on the occasion  of Independence Day. The speech was very motivational and evoked feelings of National Pride. He addressed that every citizen should fulfill one’s duty and responsibility judiciously towards the Nation.

The Guest of Honour for the Programme, Lt.Gen. B.K.Bopanna(Director General, Amity Indian Military Education Society) inspired the students with his words of wisdom. His motivational speech was very influential and he rightly said that we all should look forward for the further development of our Nation. He highlighted the importance of values and ethos in an individual’s life and that these should be incorporated in the students. He further emphasized that the role of teachers is immense in inculcating the values among the students, who are the torchbearers of tomorrow.

The programme ended with a National Anthem and a message that ‘We are One’. Overall the programme enthused feelings of patriotism and spirit of freedom, justice and fraternity in everyone.