
09 Aug 2018-11 Aug 2018|Noida | F1 MDP Room

Continuing Rehabilitation Education Program on ‘Role of Creative Arts: Dance, Drama & Music for Students with Disabilities’

AmityInstitute of Rehabilitation Sciences organized a 03 day Continuing RehabilitationEducation Program on ‘Role of Creative Arts: Dance, Drama & Musicfor Students with Disabilities’ recognized by the RehabilitationCouncil of India  at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida with an objective toprovide an in-depth insight into the concept of Creative Arts and itsmultidimensional implications in the field of disability.

 Special children fromNoida Deaf Society, Noida along with Prof.(Dr.) Jayanti Pujari (Director, AIRS-AUUP) and faculty of AIRS inauguratedthe CRE Program by lighting the lamp.


During the 03 days CRE Programme , participants wereacquainted  about the role of creative arts in current teachinglearning process. They were given an understanding about the importance of differentart forms to provide an innovative and supportive environment.


Different sessions on ‘Art Therapy’, ‘MusicTherapy’, ‘Dance Therapy’ and ‘Drama Therapy’ were organized during the 03 daysprogramme by experts from the field of special education and creative arts. Prof. (Dr.) Jayanti Pujari (Director,AIRS-AUUP) displayed an overview of Creative Arts for Children with SpecialNeeds. She emphasized the need of creative arts in inclusive education. Mr.Alok Bhuvan (Director, Manovikas,Delhi), Ms. Shaloo Sharma (Head, Pallavanjali-A learning centre forCWSN) and Ms. Akanksha Mishra (Registered Dance Therapist, NewDelhi) were among the resource persons.

Ms. PallaviChauhan (Joint Director, AIRS-AUUP) appreciated the efforts of organizing team ofAIRS and praised the enthusiasm shown by participants. All the participants sharedtheir experiences of the 3 days of CRE and accepted that the event has gearedup their thoughts towards the implication of creative arts in the field ofdisability.