
19 Jul 2018|Noida | F1 MDP Room

One day Professional Development Programme held at Amity University

AmityInstitute of International Studies (AIIS) organized a one-day ProfessionalDevelopment Programme (PDP) in collaboration with Amity Academic Staff College(AASC) on the topic "Comprehending Teaching, Research and GovernanceStructure” at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida Campus


Theobjective comprehend Teaching methods and Research for focusing on Academicleadership and gender in the field of International Relations and AlliedDisciplines


Welcomingthe guests, Dr. Nagalaxmi M Raman, Director & Head, AIIS said thatthe rationale linkage between teaching and research is one of the keydevelopmental challenges faced by higher education in today’s time. Sheapprised that the workshop will highlight about the nexus between teaching andresearch, current learning strategies, how students can acquire researchskills, how faculty programmes progress scholarly objectives through pedagogyresearch, interrelating research and teaching, quality teaching and researchquantum etc. Dr. Nagalxmi remarked that research should contribute to teachingas research forms basic content of teaching. The teachers who are activeresearchers are more likely to be on the cutting edge of discipline and awareof international prospective in the field.


Sharingher views on “University power, Governance Structures and AcademicLeadership” Prof. Jaya Inderesan, Former Professor, NEUPA stressed that itis not enough to be a teacher but one must aim to become a good teacher.Imparting quality education is necessary to be a good teacher. She remarkedthat it is the lack of interest in doing a work perfectly which is creatinghindrance in country’s growth. Apprising about academic leadership skills, sheaverred that when a student achieves a certain percentage, that may not remainstatic as next time, either the student tends to score high or low. It is theresponsibility of an academic leader to understand the problem and motivate theperson to move upwards.  She called upon the faculty members and studentsto be on a path of continuous development for individual growth. Prof.Inderesan stated that the prime responsibility of a leader is to bring forth apositive change. She highlighted that 4C’s as significant factors that make agood academic leader, such as, Consciousness towards the problem, Concern forthe issue, Commitment to bring the desired change and Competence by developingskills.


Prof.Bulbul Dhar James; Coordinator MA Human Rights Programme, Dept. of PoliticalScience, Jamia Millia Islamia emphasized on theimportance of multidisciplinary approach in teaching and research. She averredthat teaching must involve integrated process which will allow students toengage in purposeful and relevant learning. She pointed out that in the era ofdeveloping technology, there is an easy access to lot of information but notevery information is knowledge. Prof. James stressed that it is important tocreate and disseminate correct knowledge whether in teaching or in research.She further added that every professional must update their knowledge andacquire new skills to adapt to changing requirements with time.


Duringthe day, various technical sessions were conducted including “Place of Researchin One’s Career by Prof. Reicha Tanwar, Former Director, Women’s Studies,Kurukshetra University; “Effective Teaching Methods and Importance ofInteractive Pedagogy” by Prof. Susheela Kaushik, Chair, UGC Capacity Buildingof Women Managers in Higher Education and “Right to Work with Dignity” by Prof.Bulbul Dhar James, Former Director, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women’s Studies&  Coordinator MA Human Rights Programme, Dept. of Political Science,Jamia Millia Islamia