
18 Jun 2018-22 Jun 2018|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

Inauguration of Amity Centre for Yoga Education, Therapy and Research

AmityUniversity Noida in collaboration with Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India inaugurated the Amity Centre forYoga Education, Therapy and Research today during the valedictory ceremony ofweek-long workshop on Therapeutic Yoga held at University Campus, Sector 125,Noida.


Inauguratingthe Centre, Dr. Ishwar V. Basavaraddi, Director, Morarji Desai NationalInstitute of Yoga, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India emphasized that theneed of the hour is to utilize the ancient knowledge in its purest form to curethe diseases of modern world. He averred that to promote the philosophy of yogaamongst youngsters, the teachings should be modified using science and technologyas per the contemporary understating. Dr. Basavaraddi apprised that Indians arefollowing the western meditation technique while there is a protocol intraditional yoga practice. “Yoga shouldn’t be considered just as a physicalexercise. The yoga practice commences with detoxification process which can beeither physical, psychological or at emotional level without using anymedication, followed by modification of diet and posture. There are principlesand techniques for every asanas.” he avers. He stressed that there is along-standing need for standardization of techniques of Yoga and meditation forthe holistic effectiveness.


Dr.Basavaraddi mentioned that yoga and wellness hasnow become an industry and prominent educational institutions like Amity canplay a bigger role in the domain of research and yoga education.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. W Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology andInnovation Foundation said that the Yoga Centre established under the aegisof Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga will not only promote Yoga trainingand therapy but also research in Yoga. Expressing his joy over yoga becoming aglobal practice, he shared that the traditional knowledge of India has stoodthe test of time and the world has now realized the importance of naturalremedies for better living. Dr. Selvamurthy apprised that Amity has conductedvarious researches in herbal field and more than 50 projects on Herbal andAyurveda are been undertaken by the University’s scientists and researchers. He called upon the gathering to take resolution to perform yoga every day andbe the ambassadors to promote the benefits of yoga across the globe.


Mr.Swapnil Naik, Secretary to Minister, AYUSH Ministry appreciatedthe initiatives and research work of Amity scientists and researchers towardsthe promotion of Yoga across the globe. He shared that in this year’s healthbudget, a lot of stress has been put upon the integration of medicinal system.He shared that the government has envisioned the establishment of 1,50,000health and wellness centres which will bring health care system closer to thehomes of people by providing comprehensive health care. Mr. Naik remarked thatthe Ministry of AYUSH was not formed for financial benefits but to guide the worldtowards healthier lifestyle through natural remedies and techniques. Heapprised that the idea of International Day of Yoga was first proposed by thePrime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi and received the support of 177countries, which is the highest number of co-sponsors ever for any UNGAresolution of such nature


Mr.Arun Chauhan, Trustee, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation;Dr. Madhu Gupta, Chairperson, Indian Institute of Yoga and Naturopathy,Delhi and Dr. Naval Kumar, Adviser (Homeopathy), Ministry of AYUSH  wasalso present during the inauguration.


Duringthe occasion, Special Children from stuents of Cheshire Home and IndianInstitute of Yoga and students of Naturopathy gave a mesmerizing performance onArt of Yoga.