
06 Feb 2018|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi concludes series of brainstorming sessions

Amity Institute of Education,New Delhi concluded its series of four brainstorming sessions on 6 February2018. The final day of the sessions highlighted the views on the theme“Prevention and controlling of aggression in school children”.

The event was chaired andmoderated by Mrs. Suman, Psychologist in one of the reputed school. Over 15teachers from various prestigious schools of Delhi-NCR participated in thesession.

In the humbling traditionof Amity, the session began with lighting the lamp. An introduction of thetheme was done by Dr. (Mrs.) Sadhna Tyagi, She efficiently volleyed thequestions to the panelists and asked to help draw a line between aggressionand violence among students, which is ever increasing and worrying.

Mrs. Suman, being aPsychologist herself, very eloquently caught the drift of the theme effectivelyand steered the conversation towards categorizing the differences betweenaggression and violence, which is the intention of harming others and harmcaused to others, with or without intention respectively. According to her, ageappropriateness is a key to check and balance aggression in children.

Interestingly, thesession was divided into three parts, wherein every panellist introducedthemselves, and gave their own quips on the causes, forms and solutions toaggression, according to their own experiences as school counsellors andPsychologists, which not only deemed to educate the pupil teachers but theimmense experience of the counsellors themselves helped in understanding thestudent community as a macrocosm, regardless of their school experience.

There were many forms ofaggression recognized by the panellists unanimously such as physical aggression(which included hitting and spitting on each other), verbal aggression (use ofabusive language as an attention seeking tactic et al), Reclusive behaviour andself harm patterns (Blue Whale Challenge, which aims at eliminating biologicalwaste of human beings, particularly affected the children adversely recently),Bullying (Isolation of particular students, for either being too bright or tooweak), and Dietary patterns (Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia in students) It wasalso realized that symptoms such as restlessness was also a form of aggressionin some students.

Culminating the session,the idea of mental health became the prime concern of all panellists; also,peer counselling of students must be done for them to dispense better advice totheir friends and peers.

Practical solutions suchas building emotional resilience, mindfulness, divine connection, Yoga, andseeking a spiritual connection were also touched upon by the panel, so that thesession is practically fruitful for teachers involved. The importance of LifeSkills and Emotional Quotient workshops also revealed. The Session concluded bygifting each member of the panel a book as a token of her humble gratitude anddeclared the didactic session of brainstorming.