
05 Feb 2018|Noida |

Brain Storming session on Widening The Horizon Of Science With Environmental Education

Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi, under the guidance and inspiration of Founder President, Dr Ashok K. Chauhan, organized a brainstorming session on the theme “Widening the Horizon of Science with Environmental Education” 

The event was chaired by Dr. Alka Saxena, Vice-Principal of Amity International School, Saket. The panelists included teachers from various reputed schools in Delhi NCR to discuss various innovative ideas and strategies as per their experiences.

The session commenced with the lamp-lighting ceremony and welcome address by Dr. Pratimam Saxena, Assistant Professor, AIE (New Delhi). She shared her views and familiarized the members with the theme of the session.

Dr. Alka Saxena, the moderator of the session, addressed the beginning of the brainstorming session by stating that education is not restricted to the walls of classroom only. She further stated that science surrounds us everywhere and as the topic is related to environmental education she further elaborated on the issues related to climate change, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity as well as the importance of integrating science with environmental education. She showed her concern about the environmental condition which is degrading day by day and said that it is the need of the hour to sensitize students about this. Dr. Alka Saxena led the brainstorming session by asking for the views, opinions and strategies by teachers which can be taken to make students sensitive about environmental degradation.

The panelists began the discussion by introducing themselves and sharing their own views about how to inculcate values in children regarding saving the environment. Teachers from various institute presented their thoughts and ideas by giving varied examples from day to

day environmental concerns and incorporating the same in teaching science. Some of the important points were highlighted are as under:

* Teachers have an important role in sensitizing the students to promote renewable resources and work as ambassadors to protect the environment.

* There is a need to address the grave issue of pollution and the recent incidents of smog in Delhi. Unless the citizens take responsibility and accountability these problems will not be solved and we have to inculcate such values among students.

* The students should be made aware and sensitized about the issues like water scarcity, illegal boring wells and construction that happen in the city and its effect on the environment.

* Including knowledge and skills in the curriculum for sustainable practices, as an example biogas production using the waste generation

* Students should be informed regarding problems of contamination of the environment with the excessive use of plastics and electronics, reducing the use of such materials

* Training of minds of the students to take responsible actions to address issues arising from the impact of science on their daily life

The pupil teachers also engaged themselves in the lively discussions. They shared their experiences and views, reinforcing the thoughts and strategies shared by the experts during the enlightening session.

The session was concluded by Dr.Alka Saxena as she summed up a vast pool of ideas that came from all the members of the panel to protect and preserve the environment with the help of young generation in and around the schools.