
05 Apr 2018|Noida | E2 Seminar Hall

Dr. Sadhna Tyagi felicitated during Outstanding Teacher Award Ceremony (2017-18)

Today, Amity Institute of Education organized OutstandingTeacher Award Ceremony (2017-18) to felicitate and recognize the outstanding achievementsand contributions, of Dr. Sadhna Tyagi, Asst.Prof. - ?Amity Institute ofEducation, Delhi, in the field of Education.


Dr.Ranjana Bhatia, Principal and Director, Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi;Prof. (Dr.) D K Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, AIE and Dr Alka Mudgal, Professor, AmityInstitute of Education conferred theaward upon Dr. Sadhna Tygai.


Addressing thegathering, Prof. (Dr.) D K Bandyopadhyaysaid that it is an important initiation to felicitate the hard work, sincerityand dedication the teachers put in to nurture every student. He remarked that teachersand students form a chain reaction which is lifelong. He called upon thestudents to always remember that teachers are the guiding light to their pathof success.


Speaking duringthe occasion, Dr. Ranjana Bhatia,Principal and Director, Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi apprised thatthe selection criteria was based on 360 degree of evaluation including 50%feedback from students, 20% of peers, 20% by principal and 10 % was self-assessment.


During the occasion,students also shared their experiences and expressed their gratitude towardsthe teachers.