
26 Mar 2018|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

One Day National Conference on “Social Work & Child Rights-Contemporary Issues and Way Forward”

Tocommemorate World Social  Work Day, Amity Centre for Women & ChildRights, Amity Institute of Social Sciences in association with Uttar PradeshAssociation of Professional Social Workers organized one day NationalConference on “Social Work & Child Rights-Contemporary Issues and WayForward” at University campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Theconference aimed to facilitate discussions and sharing of newer ideas,knowledge and strategies among academicians, researchers and practitioners topromote the protection of rights of children.

Addressingthe gathering, Mr. A K Shukla, Assistant Labour Commissioner, Gautam BudhNagar said that child labour is a social evil and India's law onchild labour has been amended in 2016 to ensure that education and overallwelfare of children between the age group of 6 - 14 years is not compromised.Also, the age of labour at hazardous occupations has been increased to 18years. Mr. Shukla emphasized that paradigm shift in eliminating child labourwill be possible when the mindset of society is changed and consensus iscreated not to engage children in any form of labour. He apprised that manydeveloped countries have banned products of companies who involve child labourfor production and same regulation is required to be followed by developingcountries where child labour is at high rate.

Mr.Shukla suggested that through the interference of NGOs, the vicinities wherethe labourers reside can be approached to educate them about variousinitiatives and schemes of Government for the welfare of children.

Sharinghis views, Prof. R.R. Singh, Former Director, Tata Institute of SocialSciences called upon the society to create a world fit for children. Hementioned that there are four dimensions of child rights including survival,protection, development and participation. He further added that for welfareand protection of children across globe, 6 out of 8 millennium developmentgoals and 6 out of 17 sustainable development goals are formulated forchildren. Prof Singh stressed that there are enough studies on child labour,child rights etc. but the need for the hour is to conduct action based researchto help children realize about their rights.

Speakingon the occasion, Dr K K Upadhyay, Director - ?Swasti Health Catalysthighlighted that there should be holistic welfare programs for linking child,family and community which will be more effective with larger impact. Hepointed out that corporates have realized the ground level issues and trying toconnect with communities. He informed that corporates hire skilled and trainedsocial workers for their CSR activities. Dr. Upadhyay raised concern over thegaps on different approach and thinking towards the cause between Corporates,Civil Society, Government and the Academia. He opined that strategic programsand development communication is required to fill these gaps.

Prof.(Dr.) Nirupama Prakash, Convener and Director, Amity Institute of SocialSciences apprised regarding the impact of work upon socialworkers and said that social workers are often required to make decisions andprofessional judgments based on limited information. She shared that as per asurvey, it was found that some social workers were contented with thecommitment to protect children while some complained about challenges at workaffecting their personal life. Dr. Prakash highlighted that despite challengesand unfavourable situations, social workers have strong sense of empathy anddedication towards the welfare of children in need.

Duringthe conference, eminent speakers from industry and academia delivered keynotelectures and deliberated upon best practices and models for social work andchild rights from different parts of the country

Morethan 35 research papers were presented during the conference including RamizKhan Sherwani, Ph.D Scholar, Jamia Millia Islamia on ‘Education Among MuslimGirls: Problems and Prospects’; Savita & Dalveer Singh, Student, IGNOU on‘Introduction to Child Labor in India’; Veena Jayaram & Anuja Shah, CRY -Child Rights and You on ‘Nexus Between Child Labor And Education’; Mr. MayankTomar & Dr. Mamata Mahapatra on ‘Syria war and the invisible wounds on thechildren: A Socio-Psychological analysis’; Alpana Khandelwal, Jaipur NationalUniversity on ‘Children and Violence’ and Allan Anderson, Irtiqua Ali- ProgramOfficer (Child Rights & Education) on ‘Practitioner’s Perspective onSustainable Development Goals and Child Rights’ amongst others.