
23 Mar 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Research in Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Business and Management”

AmityCollege of Commerce and Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) andUtkarsh Small Finance Bank in association with Kingston University, Londonorganized 2nd International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Research inEntrepreneurship, Accounting, Business and Management” at University Campus,Sector-125, Noida.

Thetwo day Conference aimed at bringing academicians and researchers together toshare their latest research work in the various functional areas of management.

Inauguratingthe conference, H.E. Mr. Ernest Rwamucyo- HighCommissioner of Rwanda stressed that EntrepreneurshipEducation is now a cross-cutting subject area across various professions alongwith academic, technical and vocational areas of training. He emphasized onEntrepreneurship training, education and research for its role in fostering theemergency of entrepreneurs, enterprises and businesses to promote economicgrowth, prosperity, wealth creation and poverty reduction.  He furtheradded that it will ensure faster job creation especially amongst youth &womenand will also foster innovative, creative and sustainable solutions to numerouseconomic and social challenges. H E Rwamucvo opined that entrepreneurshipresearch and education should emphasize practical, actionable andsolution-oriented learning experience. He suggested that educationalinstitutions should focus on nurturing graduates who will contribute towardsproblem solving churn out innovations, will create jobs and make a differencein society by making things better than present.

Prof.(Dr.) D.K.Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, Amity Law Schools stressedthat business is about creating goods or services for the benefit of mankind,creating wealth for the Nation and also, generating employment in the country.He remarked that every product or service has a life cycle that require changessuch technological advancements, development of human resource, habits,generating new opportunities for business and contributing towards economicgrowth in the country. He called upon the students to look at disruptivechanges in the society for innovative and profitable business ideas.

Addressingthe gathering during the valediction ceremony, Mr. Arup Kr. Dutta,Head-Liabilities, Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Ltd shared that IndianGovernment with support from Corporate and Banks has initiated to include alarge segment of the population which was not hitherto not financiallyincluded. He further briefed about various initiatives by Utkarsha Bank towardsfinancial inclusion by providing affordable credit to the sections of society whichwere not financially included by providing opportunities and job creation.Sharing the example of United States of America, he remarked thatentrepreneurship is the most effective way of generating wealth in a society.Mr. Dutta stressed that in India, there will never be sufficient jobs for theentire population hence by choice and also by design, we need to be moreentrepreneurial in approach to reap demographic dividends of tomorrow. Shesuggested that engagement amongst students, academics and industry is veryimportant since classrooms and management schools can no longer be secludedfrom the realities of life. He averred that Industry can learn a lot from youngminds while students gain knowledge about latest trends on the industry becausethat is how all successive economies of the world have grown.

Alsopresent during the valediction were Dr. Rishi Raj Singh, Programme Director-SME, NIESBUD; Prof Audley Genus, Professor (Innovation & TechnologyManagement), Kingston University and Dr. Sujata Khandai, Officiating Director,Amity Centre for Commerce and Finance

During theconference, Panel Discussions were organized on “Creating Sustainable Growththrough Micro Finance” and “Small Finance Banking Services: Challenges and PayForward”.