
21 Mar 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

More than 1300 meritorious students awarded Scholarships during two day ‘Scholarship award Function’ at Amity University

Toacknowledge the achievements of meritorious students in Academics and Sports,Amity University Uttar Pradesh conferred Scholarships worth 22 crores upon 1381students during “Scholarship Award Function” at University Campus, Sector-125,Noida.


During the twoday award ceremony, 157 students were awarded “Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan onAdmission Scholarships”, 173 were awarded “Continuation of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhanon Admission Scholarships”; 274 were awarded “On Admission Merit Scholarships”;274 received “Merit Scholarship During the Programme”; 298 were awarded“On-Admission Merit Scholarship”; 91 received “Merit Certificate”; 16 wereawarded “Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship” and 01 received “Sports ScholarshipOn-Admission” by Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University; Dr.Balvinder Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Dr. W Selvamurthy-President, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation and Mr. AmolChauhan


Congratulatingthe meritorious students, Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh said that Amity has confident in each student that they willsucceed in their respective profession. He advised the students to never reston their laurels and called upon them to keep moving forward to achieve newerheights. He thanked the parents of meritorious students for giving Amity aprivilege to educate and nurture such brilliant young minds. Dr. Chauhanremarked that in future, when India will become a Superpower then it will onlybe possible due to the significant contribution of such exceptionally talentedstudents.


Speaking duringthe occasion, Mr. Vishnudeo Sai, Honourable Minister of State for Steel andMines shared that today he is representing himself as a proud father ofstudent Smriti Sai who is pursuing Bachelor of Planning from Amity School ofArchitecture and Planning.  He expressed happiness as his daughterreceived the ‘Merit Certificate’. He appreciated the efforts and dedication ofAmity University for identifying the potential and bringing out the best ofeach student.  Mr. Sai said that since ancient times, India has been knownas a knowledge Superpower. The country will continue to be known for itsknowledge accomplishments as the renowned Universities like Amity are promotingyoung talent par excellence globally, he opined.


Addressing thegathering, Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla,Vice Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh said that it is a dream of Founder President Dr. Ashok KChauhan that every student of Amity will be a ‘success story’ who willcontribute towards Nation building. Dr. Shukla emphasized on importance ofholistic development of students and suggested them to be ambitious by settinghigh goals. She averred that any goal can be achieved by an individual throughvalue based education.


Mrs ArvinderKaur, proud mother of Student Ivneet Banga pursuing B.Tech M. TechBiotechnology, thanked Amity University and faculty members who havecontributed with their efforts in her daughter's success. She stressed thatAmity has inculcated the qualities of dedication and diligence to succeed inher daughter. She averred that Amity gives students more than a degree as thisUniversity nurtures every student to be a global citizen and professional.


Sharing hisexperience, Student Pulkit pursuing Btech Electronics and Communications, 4thyear shared that learnings in Amity helped him grow as a person. Hementioned about his achievements in Amity and said that he has filed 4 patentsand got 6 research papers in Scopus Index Journal with constant support andguidance from his teachers.