
22 Mar 2018|Noida | E 2 Auditorium

Budding Engineers showcase their talent through innovative projects during Annual Projects & Posters Technical Competition

To showcasethe innovative projects of budding engineers, Amity School of Engineering &Technology (ASET) organized Annual Projects & Posters Technical Competition(APPTeC) 2018 at Amity University, Sector 125 Noida.

The aim of thecompetition is to provide opportunities for interdisciplinary research and toidentify innovative ideas of students that could be converted to patents andpublications.

StudentsKshitiz Kumar Pandey, Karan Vohra, Mohd Danish Siddiqui, Rishab Singh Tomar andMohammad Sumair from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineeringinvented “SMART TAP” which is now a patented model. They explained that inmodel has three versions which detect the motion of hands as well as big andsmall volume containers. The innovation is unique since it is not just limitedto water but other liquids as well like oil which makes it industry usable too.They shared that the automatic tap can detect the height and level of vesseland automatically stops when the water is filled till the brim. They mentionedthat Smart Tap also included the feature of temperature and can dispense hot orcold water by self sensing and regulating the water temperature as per the userrequirement. They apprised that a single prototype has enabled which cansignificantly reduce water wastage.

"AutomatedMopping System" is developed by Students Sayyam Chopra and Raghav Arorafrom Department of Mechanical Engineering. The function of theintelligence robot includes obstacle avoidance, vacuuming and mopping thefloor. Student Sayyam explains that the existing products in market aren'tequipped with all three mechanism and the cost of those products is very high.They mentioned that the manufacturing cost of Automated Mopping System is2200/- Rs only.

Explaining abouthis innovation “Stamp Punching Robot Arm”, Student Sami Ahmad Khan Departmentof Electrical and Electronics Engineering said that in post offices orcorporates there are times when stamping is required to be done on multiplepages which cost time and manual energy. The Stamp Punching Robot Arm is tosave manpower, time and also making stamping errorless. He further added thatthe robot is developed in two parts, first is automatic page turner and secondis tamp punching arm. He shared that the main objective of the page turner isto accommodate the book properly and give reliability to turn pages.

StudentsDevansh Rautela and Akash Chaudhary developed ‘Hydropower Plant using HelicalPenstock Pipe” which is designed to increase the efficiency in the model ofa hydropower plant by replacing the normal penstock pipe with a helical pipe.

Congratualtingthe students for , Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity EducationGroup said that the aim is to provide valuable platform to buddingengineers to showcase their creativity through innovative engineering solutionsfor benefit of society. He encouraged the students to patent their ideas andfurther commercial it for industrial and societal benefit.

The trophy for ‘MostSocially Relevant Project’ was awarded to Raghav Nayyar, Pranav Khurana andMeha Jain, Department of Mechanical Engineering for their Design of anInnovative Device for Rehabilitation of Joints using Shape Memory Alloy. It isa prosthetic device to rehab stiff joints and act as an automotivephysiotherapy.

Trophy for ‘MostFrugal Innovation Project’ was awarded to Karush Suri, Mohit Mhta, PrakritiAggarwal, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for an EMP JammingRobotic System using Arduino Program.

Trophy for ‘MostCommercially Viable Project’ was awarded Sanket Jhunjunwala, Harish RanjanSingh, Harish Aahlaut and Ripu Daman from Department of Electrical andElectronics Engineering for their project on Multi Stage ElectronicPrecipitator for Elimination of Air Pollution.

More than 150Projects and 300 Posters were on display during the day.