
23 Mar 2018|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

National Conference on “Leveraging Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Drive Socio-Economic Development: Mission 2030"

Amity School of Economics (ASE) in association with Centerfor International Projects Trust (CIPT) organized two day national conferenceon “Leveraging Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Drive Socio-EconomicDevelopment: Mission 2030" which concluded today at Amity UniversitySector 125 Noida


Stressing uponattaining Sustainable Development, Dr Sudhanshu Trivedi, official NationalSpokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party said that it is important tounderstand the meaning of development before focusing on SustainableDevelopment. He briefed about various initiatives by Indian Government towardsachieving SDGs. He informed that India not only took initiative towardspromoting Solar Power but has taken lead at global level with establishment ofInternational Solar Alliance. He further added that realising the importance ofIndian coastal line for domestic travel, government has initiated Sagar Malaproject to connect cities of India through water transport which is costeffective and pollution free. Dr. Trivedi shade that to provide direct benefitto people who are living Below the Poverty Line, government used the platformof E-Governance which has also contributed for sustainable development ineconomy. He averred that with sharp analysis of technology, sustainabledevelopment can be done.


He pointed outthat presently the world is looking towards nature friendly development andsustainable development but these values had been part of Indian heritage andculture since ancient times. He stressed that India is the most sustainablecivilization in history of mankind. He apprised that India has receivedbacklash for its theory on climate change but now, science and world hasrealized that earth is one cosmic unit. A negative activity conducted at one partof the world can affect adversely to farthest most corner of the world.Thereby, effecting the sustainable living across the Globe. He outlined thethree major threats to be addressed by the world i.e ecological imbalance,nuclear threat and terrorism .The focus should be on micro level elements,namely Atom, Computer and Genes to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Dr.Trivedi said that when development is compartmental and not holistic then it isnot working in the right direction. He advised that young generation shouldidentify the elements of Nation’s pre-historic time as India is capable toinspire the world and not dominate it.


Sharing hisviews, Mr. Surya AV, CEO-South Asia, KANTAR Public lauded Amity fororganizing such an important seminar spread awareness about the various SDGsand their usefulness towards India’s socio-economic development. He said thatKantar is extensively working towards the mission of achieving SustainableDevelopment Goals by working in association with various governmentorganizations and corporates. He shared that corporates like Unilever andNestle have established projects towards the goals namely, Unilever SustainablePlan and Nestle Wellness Program. Mr. Surya averred that businesses are justnot meant for profit making but have formulate socially responsible andsustainable business plan. He expressed his hope to explore collaborationopportunities with Amity.


Speaking on theoccasion, Dr. Atul Chauhan Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradeshsaid that SDGs are set up for betterment of future society. He remarked thatyouth should imbibe the learnings of present leaders to make a differencetowards development. He opined that if Amity dreams that our world to be abetter place to live in, it is after seeing the talent and dedication of youth.He called upon the students to be part of the vision to make India asuperpower. Dr. Chauhan announced that Amity will soon establish a programmewith focus on Development


During the two day conference, 138 papers werepresented which were received from across the Nation.