
20 Mar 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Scholarships worth 22 crores awarded to meritorious students during “Scholarship Award Function” at Amity University

Inan ongoing mission to identify, motivate and promote the talent in Academicsand Sports, Amity University Uttar Pradesh will felicitate more than 1300meritorious students during “Scholarship Award Function”, spread over two daysat University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Onthe first day, 157 students were awarded “Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan on AdmissionScholarships”, 173 were awarded “Continuation of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan onAdmission Scholarships” and 274 were awarded “On Admission Merit Scholarships”by Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University; Dr. Balvinder Shukla-Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Dr. W Selvamurthy- President,Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation; Mr. Abhay Chauhan, CEO, and Mr. Amol Chauhan

Congratulatingthe meritorious students, Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh said that today we are celebrating the academic brilliance ofstudents who have amazed us with their dedication. He expressed his joy in thepresence of parents and grandparents who had come to witness the recognition ofhardwork of their ward. He apprised that Amity is proud to identify the mostbrilliant students around the Country. Dr. Chauhan averred that Amity believes in rewardingscholarship to the students irrespective of their financial background but as adeserving merit. He advised students to be a pillar of strength in theorganization they would join professionally and called upon them to educateatleast 10 people for the Nation to grow in an inclusive environment.

Duringthe occasion, Dr. Chauhan announced the establishment of Amity ScholarshipAlumni Group for students to stay connected with their friends and colleagues.

Prof.(Dr.) Alka Munjal. Director, Academics, Amity University Uttar Pradesh.shared that a total of 1381 Scholarships worth 22 crores are being awarded tothe meritorious students during two day ceremony . Dr. Munjal lauded the hardwork of all the awardees and said that they have will and positive attitude topave way for success.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla,Vice Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh said that achievement gives happiness, motivation and smilesnot just on the faces of the recipients but everyone associated with them-their parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. She lauded parents who havecontributed immensely in the success of their wards. She stressed that everystudent of Amity will be a ‘success story’ not just academically but alsothrough their immense contribution towards development of Nation. Dr. Shuklaemphasized on inculcating values in students by engaging them in communityservices through varous activities conducted in Amity. She averred thatfeedback of students are very important for right progress of Amity Universe.

Sharingher views, Mrs Shalu Bhargava, proud mother of Satakshi Bhargava pursuingBBA LLB said that it is the 5th consecutive year that her daughter hasreceived 100% scholarship by Amity University. She shared that her daughter'ssuccess story commenced with her decision to take admission in AmityUniversity. She mentioned that the pride of this honour will remain with themforever.

Mr.Vishnu Prakash Goyal, Grandfather of Samarth Goyal, recipient of Dr. Ashok K.Chauhan on Admission Scholarships lauded the vision andachievements of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder president, Amity Education groupand said that Dr. Chauhan has once rightly said that “not to dream big iscriminal” since it aspires an individual to continuously strive hard to besuccessful. He appreciated the ideology of value based education as values andethos empowers a student to succeed professionally with personal contentment.

SimeonJacob ,4th year student of Amity School of Engineering and Technologyexpressed his joy and elation in receiving Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Scholarship andowed his heartfelt gratitude to Amity University for providing him numerousopportunities and nurturing as a global citizen.

Expressingher gratitude, Student Iba Srivastava pursuing MBA- General, Amity BusinessSchool said that scholarships cannot be measured in monetary terms since itis a recognition of hardwork and dedication. She expressed that it is a momentof celebration towards success of our parents' dream. She attributed herachievement to parents and faculty members and thanked Amity for celebratingthe achievements of students at such a large platform.

Duringthe second day, a total of 769 students will receive “Continuation of onAdmission Merit Scholarships”, “Merit Scholarships during theProgramme”,“Merit-cum-Means Scholarships”, “Sports Scholarships” and “MeritCertificates”.