
20 Mar 2018|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

Budding Artists display their Artistic Excellence during Art Exhibition in Amity University

Toshowcase the remarkable creative work of budding artists, Amity School of FineArts organized an Art Camp and Exhibition as part of Kreativ’ 2018 atUniversity Campus, Sector 125 Noida.


Welcomingthe distinguished gathering Mrs. Divya Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity School ofFine Arts said that Kreativ is an annual event which provides a platform tothe budding artists to present their creativity along with an interface withthe industry experts who guide the students to further hone their talents. Shementioned that this art exhibition is in its 10th edition and hasbeen upscaling every year. She stressed that Amity believes in promoting thework of students at every possible platform and encouraged them to present moreviable and commercial work.


Addressingthe gathering, Padmashree Prof Biman Das, Indian Sculptor and formerPrincipal of the Government College of Art & Craft, Kolkata encouragedthe students to research as much as possible for bringing aestheticalexcellence in artwork.  He opined that an artist should be a judge of hisown work since praising the art is instinctive and natural.


Sharinghis views, Mr Diego Alonso, Owner, Mondo Galeria, Spain remarkedthat globalization has created new modes of cross-cultural art between east andwest. He shared that in last century, Indian influence has been evidentlyvisible in western artwork. Mr. Diego apprised that exposure to cross-culturehas provided an opportunity to artists to create a new language ofcommunication through different forms of art. He urged the budding artists topush their boundaries of creativity and called upon them to find new ways todevelop art with amalgamation of east and west.


Speakingduring the occasion, Mr. Bhushan Verma, ?Founder and C.E.O -?GearCraftSolutions emphasized that every artist is a sensitive person byheart which is reflected in his or her work. He suggested that artists shouldnever lose their sensitivity as it is the inherited beauty of an artist. Mr.Verma advised the budding artists to respect each and every stroke and linethat they create and every work of art is an opportunity for growth.


MrKashmiri Khosa, eminent Artist highlighted thatinitially, artists take inspiration from outside world for their art work butafter years of hard work, a true artists develops the knack of finding creativeinspiration from within. He expressed his delight over Art getting recognitionas other professional courses.


Presentinga brief about his installation, Student Sitikanta Samantsinghar, Masters ofFine Arts, 4th Year said explained that his creationrepresenting struggle for survival of Odisha farmers. Through his art work hehas showcased the loss of crops, uprising of farmers’ protests and suicide offarmers due to lack of help.


Explainingher creation ‘Old is not Outdates’, Student Ayushi Bansal, Masters of FineArts, 4th Year said that she chose bicycle as primary material for her artwork since she wants to bridge the gap between different age group, gap andmost importantly gender by covering bicycle with wool. She further added thatthe vibrant colors of the wools represents the feelings and emotions of people.

Duringthe three day exhibition, a wide array of artworks including paintings (LandscapePaintings, Portrait, Life Drawings, Figurative Paintings, Abstract Paintings,Pencil Sketching),Sculptures, Installations, Print Advertisements, Digital Art,Animation, Photography, Typography, Graphic Design and 3 D Animation of morethan 400 Undergraduate and Master students of various programmes under AmitySchool of Fine Arts are on display.