
19 Mar 2018|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Amity Institute of Forestry & Wildlife (AIFW) organizes International Workshop on “Society for Conservation Biology – India Chapter” on the theme “Bio-diversity Conservation”

Amity Institute of Forestry& Wildlife (AIFW) in collaboration with Society for ConservationBiology (SCB), Washington DC started two day International Workshop on “Societyfor Conservation Biology – India Chapter” on the theme “Bio-diversityConservation” at University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Welcoming the distinguished gathering, Dr. NPS. Chauhan,Director, Amity Institute of Forestry & Wildlife remarked that theworkshop will provide an exposure to International peer-review, latestdevelopments and expected technical skills amongst the undergraduate andpost-graduate students in the area of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation throughexpert Talks and Sessions. He remarked that SCB –India Chapter will foster andencourage Wildlife Study and Conservation in India through Capacity Building,Networking and the Development of technical and soft skills necessary for themodern conservation professionals, whether located in academia, Government ornon-profit sector in India.

Sharing his views, PadmaBhushan Shri - H.S. Panwar, Founder Director, Wildlife Institute of India statedthat ancient Indian culture cared for living and non- living components ofenvironment. He shared that Human use of resources in olden times was limitedas a result of which “productive” secondary ecosystems came intoexistence.  Talking about the contemporary times, he stated that atpresent, “Primary” or “Old Growth” ecosystems exist only as an exception nowand that too only in pockets which suffered the least due to difficult or noaccess. Adding to the graveness of the situation is inappropriate land use inall urban locales and in natural areas located in rural and urban tracts, whichhas compromised water security in quantum and quality. Atmospheric and waterpollution around cities has become frightening. The need of the hour, hestated, is to mitigate pollution, augment green power and promote natural gasas domestic fuel even in hinterland rural areas. He remarked that tropicalecosystems have the amazing capacity to revive if provided a conduciveambience. He stressed that time is short and things must happen quickly forensuring Ecological Security, Bio-diversity and Wildlife Conservation andaiding mitigation of climate change. He suggested that if Forest Conservationis taken care of, then Forestry Sector can make optimal contribution to GDP aswell as climate change mitigation.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Ghazala Shahabuddin,Membership Liaison Officer, SCB- Asia Section expressed her joy over thefact that Asia Chapter of SCB has started becoming active, holding lot ofworkshops and providing numerous opportunities to BiodiversityConservationists, Researchers, Scientists and Students to present relevantresearch papers and to learn from International expertise in nearby Asiancountries including Bangkok and Singapore. She stressed that in Delhi/NCR, moresuch activities and events should be organized and so that most of the peoplewho are working in silos, can come forward, share their research and benefitthe entire community.

Ms. Alice Hughes, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,China, while sharing her views,stated that conservation is the future of Asian region and it is imperative forBio-diversity Scientists and Conservation Biologists to inspire and engage withstudents in order to have a stronger society.

While delivering Plenary Talk and sharing her 20 years ofresearch work in Pakke Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh on “Trackinghornbills: two decades of research and conservation in North-East India, Dr.Aparajita Datta, Senior Scientist, Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore statedthat Pakke is a haven for hornbills in North-east India, with four ofthe nine species - the Great Hornbill, the Wreathed Hornbill, the Oriental PiedHornbill and the Rufous-necked Hornbill- found in Pakke. She shared her research work done on three main species- GreatHornbill, Wreathed Hornbill and Oriental pied Hornbill and elaborated their longterm patterns of nesting which starts from March and stretches till July everyyear. She revealed, based on the facts of her study and long term monitoring, there was increased direct competition for nests between hornbillspecies due to limited availability of nest sites. 

The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an InternationalProfessional Organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of themaintenance, loss, and restoration of Global Biological Diversity.  TheSociety's membership comprises a wide range of people interested in theconservation and study of Biological Diversity including the Resource Managers,Educators, Government and Private Conservation Workers and Students make up formore than 5,000 members world-wide.

The aim of the Workshop is to createa vibrant network amongst the students, faculty, practitioners and scholars ofWildlife Science and policy in India and to encourage intellectual exchangesand international academic and professional linkages.