
09 Mar 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Valedictory Ceremony of Amity Mock Parliament during Amity Youth Fest 2018

As part ofAmity Youth Fest 2018, Amity Law School Noida organized 4th AmityMock Parliament which concluded today at University campus, Sector 125 Noida


Addressing thegathering during Valedictory ceremony, His Excellency Shri. Acharya Dev Vrat,Hon’ble Governor of Himachal Pradesh advised the students to value the richculture and history of our Country. He shared that the challenges in presenttimes are created by educated people and not by the uneducated and poor ones.He remarked that the Indian Politics is not in a good condition since it isbased on uncertainty of ideas. Shri Acharya pointed out that the interpretationof religion is wrongly conceived by the people, hence the citizens are dividedby the wall of religion. He urged the students to imbibe the true values andessence of religion. He averred that true religion advises us to treat peoplein a way we want to be treated by others.


Sharing hisviews, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir lamentedthe fact that there is so much noise and arguments over every issue inParliament and opined that issues need to be resolved with dialogues and notarguments. He remarked that GOD does not feel threatened it's the people askingfor votes who feel threatened and tend to divide the people of the Nation inthe name of religion. He pointed out that each election has divided us and notunited us.  He urged the students to create a Nation where every religionis respected which will lead to peace. He advised the students to work hard andnurture the feelings of brotherhood and affection within every person to makethe Nation great again. The need of the hour is take along the countries whichare below us and help them to grow and prosper with us.


Dr. Ashok KChauhan, Founder President- Amity Education Group said that today has beena historical day for Amity to have such eminent leaders of unparallel statureamong us. Dr. Chauhan suggested that students should imbibe the advices of thedignitaries for a successful career.  He shared that every Amitian hasdistinct qualities and potential in them and called upon the participants touse one’s potential to fullest to make India a knowledge superpower.


The event sawthe participation of more than 210 students from 60 Universities/Institutionsacross the Nation including Ramjas College, Vivekananda Institute ofProfessional Studies, Symbiosis Law College, Jesus & Mary College, BanarasHindu University; Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Kirorimal College, GautamBuddha University, Greater Noida, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies,St. Mary’s Convent Allahabad and NBT Law College Nashik amongst others, todeliberate upon current issues.


The mockparliament had 06 committees wherein students posed as politicians andbureaucrats delved upon various National issues including ‘Joint Session ofthe Parliament’ – Discussion on the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights onMarriage) Bill, 2017; ‘All India Political Parties Meet’ - Deliberationon the 79th Standing Committee report on the feasibility of holding asimultaneous election to the House of People (Lok Sabha) and State LegislativeAssemblies (Vidhan Sabha); ‘All India Stakeholders Meet’ - Deliberationover the right to free speech in censored democracy and measures towards mediaaccountability; ‘National Security Council’- Futuristic SecurityConcerns of India; ‘Law Commission’- Deliberation on Section 498A andsection 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and ‘Hindustan Press’-Reporter, photography, Caricaturist.