
07 Mar 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Amity School of Engineering and Technology organizes #PressForProgress Campaign

To commemorate International Women’s Week, Amity School of Engineering and Technology in association with Social and Development Research and Action Group (SADRAG) organized #PressForProgress Campaign at Amity University, Sector 125 Noida

Addressing the gathering, Sh. Love Kumar, Dy. Inspector General / Senior Superintendent of Police, Noida said that the best strategy to spread awareness about gender equality and women empowerment is by engaging younger generation especially boys and make them understand about the issue. He remarked that over the years, the society had deprived women from freedom of speech. They have often been silenced and asked to endure or ignore violence and harassment. He pointed out that silence had led to increase in harassment and violence cases against women. Calling ‘1090’ as Women Power Line number, Shri Kumar stated that the service number by UP Police has changed things drastically and helped in empowering the women. "The police has managed to resolve 95% of complaints related to harassment reported through 1090 power line number” he apprised. He encouraged the women to shatter the silence against any form of crime faced by them and advised them to report a complaint to police without fear. He called upon the students to take a pledge to spread awareness about women empowerment in their neighborhood by conducting any kind of relevant activity.

During the occasion, Dr. Mala Bhandari, Founder Director, SADRAG conducted an interactive knowledge session on "Sexual harassment & Violence against Women" wherein she briefed about the manifestation of violence including physical, mental and economical. She apprised that worldwide, every third woman, above the age of 15, has experienced physical and sexual violence. She stated that rise in violence acts have deprived many women from their liberty. She stressed that with changing times, the need of the hour is positive and effective contribution by every individual to bring the change in society. The responsibility lies on the shoulders of younger generation. She urged the students to raise questions against the existing stereotypes in societies and asked them to subsequently, think and act on it. She called upon the youngsters to extend their hand for bringing equal partnership amongst genders.

Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Bansal, Joint Head, ASET said that Women’s day is a proud day when the world celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. He shared that there is a need for collective action and shared responsibility to achieve gender equality
“Safe Noida” Booklet prepared by SADRAG in association with District Police, Noida was launched by delegates during the occasion.

The event was attended by thousands of students and faculty members of Amity University.