
23 Feb 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Eminent Researchers emphasize on Internationalization as the key to fight global challenges in the field of Science and Engineering during 5th International Conference SPIN 2018 at Amity

5thInternational Conference on “Signal Processing and Integrated Networks(SPIN-2018)” organized by Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)concluded today at Amity University Noida Campus.


Theaim of the two day conference was to bring together Scientists, Academiciansand Industrialists working in the field of Signal Processing and IntegratedNetworks to deliberate upon challenges and advancements in the industry and topromote research work amongst students.


Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Education Groupsaid that synergy of brains across the Globe is required to find solutions tothe problems afflicting mankind. He expressed his conviction that Conferenceslike SPIN provide a platform for participants and students to commence a newjourney of collaboration in innovative areas and frugal research. Dr. Chauhanaverred that it is important to develop new technologies in every field for thegrowth and prosperity of a Nation.


Addressingthe gathering, Prof. (Dr) Alec Yasinsac, Professor and Dean, School ofComputing, University of South Alabama, USA said that experience andknowledge sharing is an important trait of a successful person through which hemotivates budding professionals. He stressed that the SPIN has been oftremendous advantage for students who were provided with unparalleled networkingopportunity with eminent Scientists, Researchers and Academicians from acrossthe globe. Dr. Alec called upon the students to work on the collaborativeopportunities for a successful career.


Speakingon the occasion, Prof. Dr. Michael Vorlander, Director, ITA, RWTH AachenUniversity, Germany shared that Internationalization is the key to fightglobal challenges in the field of Science and Engineering. He opined thatchallenges also pave way for opportunities in research and productivecollaboration.


Prof.(Dr.) M.K Dutta, Director, Amity Directorate of Engineering and Technology, Jt.Head, ASET, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and General Chair, SPIN 2018presented a brief summary report of SPIN 2018.


Prof.(Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh; DrGurinder Singh, Group Vice Chancellor, Amity; Dr W Selvamurthy, President,Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation and other senior officialsof Amity were present during the session.


Duringthe occasion, Honorary Professorships of Amity School of Engineering andTechnology were conferred upon Dr. Reinaldo Valenzuela (Director, WirelessCommunication Group, Nokia Bella Labs, USA); Prof. Alec Yasinsac (Dean,University of South Alabama, USA); Prof. Edward Lee (University of California,Berkeley); Prof. Dorit Merhof (Professor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany) andProf. Andreas Savakis (Professor, Rochester University of Technology, USA).


Inorder to recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions in the fieldof IT and Engineering, Amity University presented “Amity Corporate Awards”to Mr. Siddhart Pandey, CEO, Successive Software; Mr. Prashant Sharma, MD &CEO, Primotech Energy Solutions; Ms. Kanchan Satpathy, Director, Forte PointIndia and Mr. Jatin Dawar, National Head, Freecharge.