
22 Feb 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

5th International Conference on “Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN-2018)”

AmitySchool of Engineering and Technology (ASET) started 5th InternationalConference on “Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN-2018)” at AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh, Noida Campus with an aim to bring togetherScientists, Academicians and Industrialists working in the field of SignalProcessing and Integrated Networks to deliberate upon challenges andadvancements in the industry and to promote research work amongst students.


TheInternational Conference has participation of more than 35 Internationaldelegates from countries such as USA, U.K, Canada, Egypt, China, Kazakhstan,Germany, Vietnam, Iran, Romania ,Japan, Czech  Republic, Slovakia, Spain,Iran, Singapore, Bangladesh, Oman, Bulgaria, Israel,  Hong Kong,Italy,  Taiwan and  Sweden


Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University UttarPradesh said that Conferences like SPIN enrich the knowledge of thestudents beyond classroom teaching and groom them as per the industryrequirements. She stressed that the conference aims to be a catalyst inpromoting research work by providing an insight about recent advances in thefield. She apprised that SPIN 2018 has witnessed the submission of 615 researchpapers from across the world out of which 210 papers have been accepted afterPeer Review process for presentation.


Inauguratingthe conference, Prof. Edward Lee, University of California, Berkeley, USAsaid that Science and Engineering are interrelated and share strong partnershipsince both the domains work around scientific models. He shared that over thelast 4 decades, technology has witnessed manifold advancements and the systemsdeveloped today are not limited to physical world, opening avenues for virtualenvironment. Apprising about embedded systems, Prof. Lee said that the economicand societal potential of such systems is huge and major investments are beingmade worldwide to develop the technology. He stressed that presently, thedevelopment and innovations in technology are based on exploring new areas withand ability to create applications which are relevant to human use.


Emphasizingon the challenges faced by the Scientists and Industry experts, Dr. ReinaldoValenzuela, Director, Wireless Communications Research Department at Nokia BellLabs, USA said that there has been a tremendous development in WirelessTechnology and now, it has become difficult to develop something better overthe existing technology. He shared that Scientists are addressing thischallenge by exploring new domains of applications and technology that willenable automation of smart cities, industry, residential life, security,Internet of Things and so on. He averred that India is a major player in ITindustry across globe and is also at forefront to provide the best knowledge aswell as training the human resource. Dr. Valensula advised buddingprofessionals that lot of career opportunities exist in the area of improvingefficiency of existing networks since currently, the IT market is at asaturation point and service providers don’t have many new customers to offerthe services. “Every aspect of efficiency will become an opportunity foremployment.” he opined.  He suggested the students to interact and networkwith participating delegation since multi disciplinary dialogues will aid ingerminating new ideas which is the essence of research, knowledge and learning.


Prof.S.N. Singh, Professor IIT Kanpur and Vice-Chancellor, MMM University ofTechnology Gorakhpur stressed upon the importance ofcollaboration and multi- disciplinary research for technological advancements.


Prof.(Dr.) Abhay Bansal, Jt.  Head, ASET, HOD (CSE), Director, DICET, AmityUniversity, Uttar Pradesh; Prof.(Dr.) M.K Dutta, Director, Amity Directorate of Engineering and Technology, Jt.Head, ASET,  Amity University Uttar Pradesh  & General Chair,SPIN 2018 and Prof.(Dr.) K.M Soni, Dy. Dean, Domain - Engg. & Tech., AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh, Noida were also present during the inauguration.


During the two dayconference, 31 technical sessions and 35 invited talks will be conductedincluding “Biomedical Image Analysis and Visualization: Current Trends andFuture Perspective by Prof. Dr. Ing. Dorit Merhof, Professor, Institute ofImaging & Computer Vision – Lehrstuhl für Bildverarbeitung, RWTH AachenUniversity, Kopernikusstraße; “Speaker localization under reverberation andnoise” by Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; “Soft and Permanent Errors inCMOS Active Pixel Sensors: Analysis, Detection, and Tolerance” by Prof.Israel Koren, Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Massachusetts, USA; “Anomaly Detection with Social MediaData” by Prof. Chilukuri K. Mohan, Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engg. andComputer Science, Center for Science and Technology, Syracuse University, NewYork, USA and “Efficient Audio Coding for Ultra Low Latency by IterativeSymmetrical Interpolation Wavelets” by Prof. Christian Langen, Professor forMicrocontrollers and Embedded Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering andInformation Technology, Karlsruhe, University of Applied Sciences, Germany