
09 Jan 2018|Noida | I 2 Block

Indian Air Force (IAF) spreads its wings to Amity for career opportunities

As part ofIndian Air Force (IAF) Awareness Campaign to promote“Air Force as a career option” amongst graduates, Indian Air Force displayed“Induction Publicity Exhibition Vehicle (IPEV)” at the University Campus,Sector-125, Noida to make students aware of the career opportunities which IAFoffers to graduates.


Corporate Resource Center (CRC) of Amity Law Schoolsorganized the event along with Indian Air Force for the benefit of Law andManagement students of Amity University. Indian Air Force regularly conductsawareness programmes in various Institutes across the country to spread careerand induction related information.


Induction Publicity Exhibition Vehicle (IPEV), developed byIndian Air Force in the year 2015, re-kindled the emotions of national fervor,patriotism and love for Nation amongst the young students who all seemedenthusiastic and eager to join IAF. The Vehicle provided hands on experience tohundreds of curious students on Flight Simulator, Glasstron, Aircraft Models,display of flying clothing and other youth oriented gadgets aimed to showcasevarious facets of the IAF.


Gp Capt A K Saxena-Head- Corporate Resource Centre, AmityLaw Schools welcomed the distinguishedguests from IAF.


Delivering an educative and motivational talk to theManagement and Law students of Amity, Gp Capt M Sabharwal, DirectorPersonnel Officers-3, Air Headquarters briefed them about the fighteroperations of Air Force including “Air Defence” and “Offensive Operations”. Heexplained various Fighter Planes, Helicopters, Transport Aircrafts, AcrobaticAircrafts of Indian Air Force and stressed that Indian Air Force, when needed,conducts joint operations with Indian Army, Navy and civil authorities toensure peace in the country. He stressed that Air Force is the first to inductwomen in combat roles amongst the Defence Forces and in fact, IAF is the mostpreferred by women amongst the three armed forces because of the support systemit provides. He highlighted various qualifying exams for entering into AirForce and eligibility criteria for all of them including UPSC (NDA and CDSE),AFCAT, MET, NCC and SEC. He briefed students that there are three branches ofIndian Air force where they can apply as per their age, physical attributes,qualification, inclination and interests including “Flying”, “Technical” and “GroundDuties” and informed that the selection process in Air Force takes almost anyear and candidates need to have patience and perseverance.


Gp Capt M Sabharwal was accompanied by Wg. Cdr. Sangeetaand 8 other Team members who motivated and encouraged the students.


The event provided a great opportunity to the students tointeract directly with the IAF officers. The students were enlightened aboutthe career in the IAF which is full of professional challenge, high degree ofjob satisfaction and where the quality of life is unmatched in terms oftraditional ethos. 


Responding to a query of a student as to how important isfitness and sound health to get into IAF, Gp Capt M Sabharwal statedthat good health is paramount to bear the physical rigours of the Forceand once a person joins, he/she is given adequate training to get acclimatizedto the work conditions. He averred that not just the Fighter Pilots buteveryone associated with IAF at any level or in any Branch are expected tomaintain good health because when its war, everybody becomes a fighter.


Adwitiya Bijawargiya- a Final year student from Amity LawSchool, Noida expressed his great delightafter watching Induction Publicity ExhibitionVehicle (IPEV) and stressed that display of equipment, simulators, uniform andother paraphernalia has added to his determination to clear Judge AdvocateGeneral (JAG) Examination and join Indian Air Force at the earliest.