
19 Sep 2017|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

CEO Forum on “Managing Customer Experience in Digital Age” by Amity International Business School

Amity International Business School (AIBS) organized CEO Forum on “Managing Customer Experience in Digital Age” at University Campus, Sector-125, Noida in order to apprise students with the current trends in the industry.

Ms. Neha Jain - Strategic Communications Leader, Ericsson ,Ms Nischala Murthy Kaushik, Global Marketing Head - AWS & Blockchain @ Wipro, Mr. Nitin Mohan Srivastava, Head of Marketing, Chaayos , Mr. Abhishek Chaturvedi- VP Strategy Planning, Ogilvy & Mather, Ms Lubna Khan -Brand Innovation Strategist , Mr. Sanjay Sindhwani -VP Digital Products and Business Head - The Economic Times(Digital and Mobile), Times Internet Limited, Mr. Narayan Krishnamurthy,Editor-Outlook Money at Outlook Publishing  and Mr. Wishwas Julka, VP, Global Tata Group Sales Tata Technologies shared their knowledge and experiences with the audience.

Welcoming the distinguished guests, Prof (Dr) Gurinder Singh- Group Vice Chancellor,Amity Universities and Director General, Amity International Business School stated that in the digital era, where brands are competing for the attention span of the consumers, it has become very important for Brands to focus on right marketing and communication mix. He stressed that marketing is now about weaving a story around a Brand and touching the hearts of the consumers in a subtle way with the values that a Brand represent. He called upon the students to learn the most from the experience sharing by the experts.

Addressing the gathering, Ms. Nischala Murthy Kaushik, Global Marketing Head - AWS& Blockchain @ Wipro shared that the art and craft of storytelling has changed the way marketing and brand communication was viewed hereto. She stressed that story telling is an engaging way of communication and drives a message beautifully. She emphasized that it is important in brand communication and marketing to understand the importance of “who tells the story” which could be a person in power, in family, at workplace, a leader, a role model, an icon or a celebrity who can leave an indelible impact. She opined that a powerful story should lead a consumer to new learning, thinking and feeling. She opined that while devising an effective Brand Communication, it is pertinent to keep in mind that “Who is it for?”, “What is the take-away of the story” and “How will the story be narrated- Video, Twitter, Tweet or Blog”

Ms. Neha Jain - Strategic Communications Leader, Ericsson, while sharing her views, stated that marketing is no longer about the products you make;it’s about the story you tell. She emphasized that with increased commoditization and shorter attention spans, it has become difficult for Brands to set apart from each other and the job of marketers has become harder. She stressed that compelling stories are the ones which are with values of the brand and without the baggage of the features of the brand. She outlined that a Brand story is critical for marketing since it captures the value of the brand and establishes it as authentic and trustworthy. Without a brand story, a product is just a commodity and a replaceable one. She opined that a Brand story should position consumer as a protagonist and Brand should be positioned as fulfilling his/her needs. Good Brand stories create ambassadors for life; the ones who just don’t hear but listen to the values of a Brand.

While sharing his views on “The Elusive Formula of storytelling to the over-entertained”, Mr. Abhishek Chaturvedi- VP Strategy Planning, Ogilvy & Mather stated that marketers need to understand that it’s not only Brands but also friends, families, social influencers who are competing for a person’s attention at the same time. He stressed that Print media is not dead because of the birth of digital media and moreover, no Brand is created by Digital Media in India. He opined that marketers need to create new formulas of success in storytelling and keep changing those formulas from time to time. He stressed that storyline of a brand communication has to have an earthly emotion to connect with people since Indians are emotional people and they connect with emotions in a better manner. To make the maximum impact, he suggested, that the brand story has to have a culture currency; western advertisements can entertain the audience but may not help the brand to establish itself as a trustworthy brand. He showed several advertisements conceptualized and designed by Ogilvy & Mather where the brand communication was able to strike a right chord in the consumers.

Mr. Wishwas Julka, while addressing the students, stated that marketing is the backbone of Sales in any organization which transforms market sentiments, provides constant feedback and gives it back to sales persons. Sharing an example, Mr. Julka stressed that Nano car failed due to poor positioning of car by the marketing guys. He added that SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity,Threats) has now been replaced by TIPS (Trends, Implication, Possibility, Solution)and only those companies working on TIPS will be able to survive the cut throat competition in the long run.

Sharing her views, Ms. Lubna Khan emphasized on the importance of culture based story telling in the digital era and stressed that marketing is fusion of art and science, of the certain and uncertain which can be measured and felt. Citing the example of the establishment of E-Commerce Giant- Amazon in India, she shared that when Amazon entered India, Flipkart was a brand loved by Indians and Amazon was distant & unapproachable in contrast. She stressed that use of culture and culture based story telling through myriad ways came to the rescue of Amazon India. It invited people to India’s largest online store and reinforced the idea of “Aur dikhao”. Amazon was positioned as the brand that understands Indians and Indian Culture with“Adjust No more” campaign. Ms. Khan averred that great brands tap into culture and are always backed by data.

Mr. Nitin Mohan from Chaayos said that every good idea has its time and place and at Chaayos, good ideas are called “Nawaz” moments.He advised students to always spark an idea, which may come to their rescue some time during the day. He remarked that in business, it’s all about customers, therefore, invest in and understand what customer wants. He remarked that keep your customers at the centre and know their interests to make big in the industry. Talking about the growth of Chaayos, he stated that everyone likes his/her own chai and Chaayos started with “Meri Wali Chai” which was able to immediately connect with the consumers. Gradually, by observing and assimilating the interests and needs of the consumers, Chaayos has been able to establish itself today

The students posed a volley of questions to the speakers which were elaborately answered by them.