
11 Jul 2017|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Institute of Education, Amity University organised International Guest Lecture on “Developmental Education in context to International Teacher Education” by Prof Gabrielle Malfattian

Amity Institute ofEducation, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh organised International GuestLecture on “Developmental Education in context to International TeacherEducation” by Prof Gabrielle Malfattian from University of Missouri, Columbia,USA and an eminent luminary in the field of education.

Over250 students and the faculty members of AIE attended the guest lecture.

Thesession started with welcome of the guest by Dr. Alka Muddgal- HOI, AIEfollowed by an introductory speech by Dr. Rasna Sehrawat- Faculty, AIE.

Prof.Gabrielle Malfattiis an eminent psycho-educationist, psychologist and a teachereducator has more than 20 years of experience in teaching, research,educational planning and administration in the area of developmental globaleducation. She has been actively involved in academics, teacher training andprogram development for children. She has developed various psychometric testsfor schools and industry and a series of diagnostic tests in the area ofgeneral education.

Prof.Gabrielle addressed the faculty members, post graduate and graduate students ofthe AIE, Amity University which provided an insight about the differenteducational aspects. She talked about the new challenges and weaknesses, bothtechnical and social and suggested further measures to address such challenges.She highlighted the various ways to globalise, internationalise and re-humaniseeducation taking in account the Cognitive and Meta-cognitive factors oflearning.

Theresource person also explained the importance of the principles of GlobalHarmony in effective education. She further stressed motivational and emotionalinfluences on learning and how motivation is different from inspiration. Shemade the session experiential through live examples of her own family and ofher work in several countries where she has worked.

Sheaverred that the gap between teacher competencies and the child’s learningneeds to be bridged, making an overt commitment to celebrate human diversityand difference in all its forms.

Thelecture was immensely beneficial for the pupil-teachers, giving insight intothe implementation of Inclusive Curriculum, which is the call of the hour.

 Prof. Gabrielle interacted with the studentsto make the most of the deliberations and presentations which would bring outknowledge beyond books. She emphasized that expert talks help in making educationstudents, school-ready teachers.

Thelecture was very informative and fruitful to all attendees.