
15 Mar 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences organized Guest Lecture on ‘Current trends in Assessment and Programme planning for Persons with Intellectual Disability’

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences organized a Guest Lecture on ‘Current trends in Assessment and Programme planning for Persons with Intellectual Disability’ by Prof. P. Jeyachandran,who is considered as the Father of Special Education for Persons with Intellectual Disability in India.

Prof.P Jeyachandran is a Licensed Psychologist – APA and has working experience of49 years in the field of Intellectual Disability. He developed the assessment scale for persons with Mental Retardation (first time in the country) published in 1968.

The objective of the event was to orient the students on the current trend of assessment tools and Individualized Educational Programme of persons with Intellectual Disability. The students gained knowledge on the current scenario of management of Persons with Intellectual Disability which will enable them to be effective special educator.

Professor Jeyachandran shared his life experiences in the field of rehabilitation and encouraged the teacher-trainees to identify their role to become a responsible citizens. He highlighted the basics of Assessment and Programme planning for Persons with Intellectual Disability.

Dr. J.P. Singh, Chairperson- AFDD blessed the gathering with his precious words.

Dr. Jayanti Pujari, Director-AIRS guided the students of AIRS to follow the words of the eminent psychologist.

All the faculty members of AIRS were present during the event.