
12 Aug 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

International Youth Day celebrated at Amity

The 5 day long International Youth Day (IYD) celebrations concluded today at Amity University Campus, Sector- 125, Noida with various informative, engrossing and interactive events for the students including  Sensitization Workshop against Drug Misuse by Dr Rohit Sharma, Dy Director (Policy &Coordination), Narcotics Control Bureau of India, Debate Competition, Panel Discussion, Seminar and Quiz on UN Theme for IYD’16 -‘The Road to 2030:Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Production and Consumption.’

During the “Sensitization Workshop against Drug Misuse”, Dr Rohit Sharma, Dy Director (Policy & Coordination), Narcotics Control Bureau of India shared that the problem of drugs has become very acute in India and Delhi/ NCR is as badly and gravely affected as Punjab and North East India, the only difference is the type of drugs used. He remarked that rural population generally consumes poor versions of Smack whereas urban and affluent population consumes synthetic drugs like Cocaine, Meow Meow and often misuse the OTC drugs. He shared that unlike other Laws in the country, Narcotics Laws are very stringent and the minute a person is caught with drugs; he is presumed to be guilty till the time, he is able to prove otherwise. He remarked that when people take intravenous drugs they share needles, which ups the chances of HIV and Hepatitis cases. He shared that in India , 20% of Injectible drug users are afflicted with HIV. On being used by a student as to why opium cultivation is not banned in India, considering the grave threat it poses after being converted into Heroine and other drugs, Dr. Sharma replied that banning or prohibition is not a solution since it is bound to create rebellion and eventually, may even lead to a spurt in the use of Heroin and related drugs. He suggested that since Opium has been used for other beneficial purposes as well,its use is regulated and controlled in India.

Welcoming the guest and sharing his views, Prof (Dr) Marshal Sahni, Dean- Student Welfare, Amity University shared that every year, Amity University celebrates International Youth Day which is entirely a students’ driven activity. He shared that it is important for students to be holistically groomed and nurtured as socially responsible citizens of the world and events like “International Youth Day” help in achieving the same. He thanked all the student volunteers for arduously working day and night for the event and making it a success.

During the Debate Competition, students from various Institutions presented their views on “Whether poverty is politically motivated issue or not”. The students were very articulate while putting forth their views for and against the topic.

The students pursuing MBA from Amity Business School conducted a Seminar on Skill Development wherein they expressed their views on “Ethics”, “Teaching Skills”, “IT Skills” and “Culinary Skills”

The“Trinity Band” comprising of 3 students from Amity Business School-Utsav Mishra, Sahil Kapoor and Saurav Kumar sang melodious and foot tapping songs from Bollywood which instantly lifted the spirits of audience.