
08 Aug 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

“International Youth Day” celebrations start at Amity University with Four Day Workshop on “Employability Skills”

 Aspart of International Youth Day celebrationsscheduled for August 12, 2016, Amity University started four day Workshop on ‘EmployabilitySkills through Life Skills Approaches’ for the students at University Campus,Sector-125, Noida.

The Workshop aims at imparting knowledge about employabilityskills and life skills which, in today’s time, are required to succeed in everyfield.

The Workshop  is beingconducted by Resource Persons and Trainers from Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), anInstitute of National Importance established by an Act of Parliament, Ministryof Youth Affairs & Sports, and Government of India.

During the inauguration of the Workshop, Prof(Dr) Marshal Sahni, Dean- Student Welfare, Amity University shared thatevery year, Amity University celebrates International Youth Day which is entirelya students’ driven activity. He called upon the students participating in theWorkshop to take complete advantage from the informative event, which heassured, will help them to accelerate their Personality Development andemployability in the long run.

Addressingthe gathering, Ms Akanksha Sharma- Rajiv Gandhi NationalInstitute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) shared thatthe Workshop would cover lot ofrelevant topics such as “Understanding Self- Self appreciation &exploration”, “Understanding Leadership”Understanding of youth challenges in the field ofemployment”, “Effective communication skills”, “From wishes to dreams to goal setting”,“Conflict Resolution” amongst others. She stressed that it is very important tostart from understanding “Self” and how most of the people are runningaimlessly without any mission and vision. She remarked that human beingsthemselves decide the limit for their growth and it is in the hands of humanbeings to let go off their inhibitions and try and explore their potential.

Mr. Gurinder Azad- a resource person fromRGNIYD in his interactivesession, stressed that each and every human being and even animals are endowedwith critical thinking but when it comes to segregating human beings on thebasis of regionalism, racism, caste, sex and other limiting factors, criticalthinking takes a back seat. He implored students to understand that everybodyon the planet has transient existence and there is a dire need to understandand re-arrange the stereotypes existing in the society. He called upon thestudents to think beyond their own selves for the betterment of the countrywhich will also address various issues related with the diversity of the globe.

The Workshop is being attended by students from various Institutionsof Amity University.