
05 Aug 2016|Noida | I2 Moot Court

National Seminar on ‘Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Industry, Healthcare and Agriculture’ organized at Amity University

To create awareness on safe and beneficial applications of radioisotopes, Amity Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (AINST) started two day National Seminar on‘Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Industry,Healthcare and Agriculture’ in collaboration with National Association for Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry (NAARRI) and in association with Board of Radiation and Isotopes Technology (BRIT) at Amity University, Noida Campus.


The main objective of the seminar is to provide an interactive forum for meaningful exchange of information between potential users of radioisotopes with scientists and technology providers. The National Seminar is a platform for stake holders from industry, agriculture, healthcare, academia and Scientific Researchers to exchange knowledge by sharing recent research and development in the field of radioisotope.


The National Seminar was inaugurated by Dr.K.M. Chacko, Director, Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research; Dr.A.K Kohli, Former Chief Executive, BRIT, DAE-Raja Ramanna Fellow &President, NAARRI, Mumbai; Shri P. J. Chandy, Secretary, NAARRI; Dr W Selvamurthy, President- Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation andDr. Alpana Goel, Addl. Director, Amity Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology & Convener of the Seminar.


Welcoming the guests, Dr W Selvamurthy, President- Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation said that today, India is a Nuclear Power country which is reckoned worldwide for its nuclear prowess . Initially, there was a resistance on the part of Western world to see India becoming a Nuclear Power but India took the decisive step and went ahead for peace and development of nation. He mentioned that different sectors have realized the importance of Radioisotope Technology and have been using this technology to bridge the gaps. He highlighted that agricultural sector has shown a great increase in productivity with the help of the technology as Radioisotopes  have been used for producing high yielding crop seeds and for pesticide control, which enhances the agricultural yield. Referring to Amity Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Dr. Selvamurthy remarked that Amity has been significantly contributing to nurture Human Resources for the growth and progress of Nuclear and Atomic Sector.


Addressing the gathering, Dr. A K Kohli, Former Chief Executive, BRIT, DAE- Raja Ramanna Fellow & President, NAARRI, Mumbai said “Atomic Energy contributes significantly in the welfare of general public apart from its important contribution towards national security. India, at present, is considered as one of the world leaders in isotopes and radiation technology programme.” He apprised that there is a lot of potential for expansion of radioisotope applications in our country. Use of radiation and radioisotopes in healthcare,both for diagnostics and therapy, as well as in cancer treatment is well established. But there are more areas where this technology can contribute immensely. Dr. Kohli stressed that only a small portion of society is getting benefited from the applications of these techniques due to lack of awareness about beneficial uses of radioisotope technology. “It is important for the young generation of scientists and researchers to create more awareness in society about the peaceful uses of atomic energy.” he averred.


Commending Amity for its contribution in Atomic Energy sector, Dr. K M Chacko, Director, Shri Ram Institute of Industrial Research said that Amity is one of the few Universities which offer courses in Atomic Energy, Isotopes and Radiation. He lauded the vision of Founder President, Dr Ashok K Chauhan for realizing the importance of promoting education in Nuclear Science and technology which will be beneficial for society. He pointed out that students are hesitant to choose the course due to lack of knowledge about job opportunities in the sector. He assured that there is a growing demand in various industries for applications of radioisotopes and radiation. Dr. Chacko apprised that people have a misconception that nuclear and atomic energy are for hazardous purposes. It is necessary to educate people about the valuable role of the technology for welfare of society like in medical field, agriculture, environmental management, electricity generation etc. He opined that without this technology the industries cannot grow, the country wouldn’t be able to progress and lives of people cannot be made better.


The National Seminar has witnessed the participation of 14 Eminent Scientists from various reputed organization such as BARC, BRIT, IIT and more than 400 participants including Students, Research Scholars and Academicians across nation.


The firsttechnical session included the lectures of eminent scientist including Shri. G. Ganesh, Chief Executive, BRIT,Mumbai on “Isotope program of Department of Atomic Energy: An Overview andDr. Ravi Shankar, Head Public Awareness Division, DAE, Mumbai on “Public perception about atomic energy andradiation” followed by second technical session on “Application of radioisotopein Healthcare” chaired by Dr. A.K Kohli, Former Chief Executive, BRIT, DAE-RajaRamanna Fellow & President, NAARRI, Mumbai.


During the twoday seminar various lectures by eminent speakers would be conducted including“Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Basic concepts and current status” by Dr. MaheepSingh Gaur, SeniorConsultant, Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Functional Neurosurgery, Gamma Knife Centre, VimhansHospital & BLKHospital, Delhi; “Radioisotopes & Cancer” by Dr. Meenu Walia, Head,Oncology, Max Hospital, Delhi; “Radiation technology in agriculture for development of improved cropvarieties” by Dr. S.F.D’Souza, Former   Associate Director, Biomedical Groupand  Head, NA&BTD, BARC, Raja Ramanna Fellow, Mumbai and“Regulations for radiation protection in applications of radiation sources” by Dr.A.U. Sonawane, Head, Radiological Safety Division, AERB, Mumbai amongstothers