
15 Jul 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

“Orientation Programme” for 244 Research Scholars enrolled in over 33 streams held at Amity

Promoting and bolstering the research culture in the country, Amity University started a two day“Orientation Programme” for the Research Scholars enrolled in various Doctoral Programmes with 41 Institutions of Amity Campus, Noida and Lucknow at University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.


Like every year, this year also Amity received thousands of applications for PhD Programmes for the current session but after several rounds of screening which involved written test and personal interview, bright 211 scholars were selected from Noida Campus and 37 from Lucknow Campus in over 33 areas including Anthropology,Agriculture, Management, Psychology, Biotechnology, Commerce, Clinical Psychology, Education, Environmental Sciences, Economics, Forensic Sciences ,Foods and Nutrition , Finance, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing , Information Technology , Pharmaceutical Sciences , Law , Materials and Devices ,Chemistry,Applied Chemistry ,English,  Mathematics , Physics, Horticulture,Microbial Biotechnology , Neurosciences, Immunology , Virology, Wildlife Sciences, Physical Education, Built Environment, Mechanical and Automation Engineering and Computer Science Engineering.


The Ceremony started with “Havan” which was attended by hundreds of Scholars, Directors, Institutional Heads, Faculty members and Staff Members followed with the blessings from Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Dr. Balvinder Shukla. In her welcome address, she remarked that PhD Scholars need to work very hard and a thorough Research in their area of subject would yield them good results.


Addressing the gathering, Prof.(Dr.) Sunil Saran, Sr. Vice Chairman, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation briefed that there are more than 700 PhD Scholars already enrolled with Amity and have been working upon research projects which could be eventually used for societal benefit. He advised the Scholars to choose their topic of research carefully since the selection of topic is more difficult than research. He briefed them that if the scholars are aware about the problem their research area would address, then it would be easier for them to come up with innovative solutions. He called upon the scholars to keep them eyes open and observe if there is something which could be patented in their research and Amity would extend the requisite support in the entire process. He stressed that filing patents alone would not help; the fruit of the research should pass on to the common man and used for the betterment of society.


Sharing his views on “Research”, Dr. Sanjeev Bansal-Director, Amity Business School said that “Research” refers to search for new knowledge. Quoting the definition of“Research” from Learner’s Dictionary of Current English he said, “Research is a careful investigation or enquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.” He stressed that a research should either lead to an Invention, or should be an extension to the existing work or should contradict the existing work. He motivated the students and told them that “Research is a journey with a boat without a lifebelt in a vast ocean”.


Wg Cdr S.K Goel- International Affairs Department, Amity gave a brief presentation of Amity, highlighting the achievements of the faculty members, students, strong R&D culture of the University, patent filing by the researchers at Amity.