
16 Jun 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Padma Bhushan Dr. A Shivathanu Pillai delivers lecture at Amity

Padma Bhushan Dr. A Shivathanu Pillai –Former Chief Controller R&D and Chief Executive and MD of BRAHMOS delivered a special lecture on “Energizing Technology Innovation” at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Dr. Pillai was welcomed by Dr. W. Selvamurthy President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation, Dr. Ajit Kumar Nagpal- Chairman,Amity Medical Education and Prof. M S Prasad- Director, Amity Institute of Space Science and Technology.

Delivering a very informative and engrossing lecture, Dr. Pillai highlighted the glorious past of India,extolling the country as “Scientifically advanced and spiritually enlightened nation”. He stressed that foreigners praise India but Indians don’t take pride in their own country’s greatness. He shared that India has 600 million youth below the age of 35 years and it is important to inculcate good qualities in them. It is predicted that India will be at the top by 2020 with the quality and quantity of its manpower nurtured in 700 Universities and over 35,000 colleges in the country. He stressed that India can accelerate its growth and progress through developing newer technologies. He averred that every year India drains its valuable resources to import systems and technologies to meet its immediate requirements, which otherwise would have been used in higher education sector and high tech research and indigenous production of cutting edge products and technologies. The foreign countries export their second rated technologies on which the best brains of India don’t want to work, leading to“Brain Drain”.

He highlighted that Indian Brains are known for their ingenuity and brilliance worldwide and the need of the hour is strong indigenous technology base, close relationship between industry and academics, strong R&D base, wealth generation through exports and Scientific and Technological expertise.

The lecture was attended by faculty members and students from various Departments and Institutions of Amity.