
03 Jun 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

“Diesel vehicles should be fitted with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), New Commercial DG sets should be based on CNG and existing DG sets should be retrofitted with requisite pollution control systems to reduce toxic air in Delhi /NCR” suggested Experts during the celebrations of “World Environment Day" at Amity On the occasion of the celebrations of “World Environment Day" by “Amity Instit

On the occasion of the celebrations of “World Environment  Day" by  “Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management” and “Amity Institute of Environmental Science” at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida, Dr. B. Sengupta, Environmental Scientist and Former Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board enumerated factors that cause pollution in the air and suggested measures to reduce the toxic elements in the air for enabling fresh and cleaner environment in Delhi/NCR.


Dr. Sengupta suggested that rather than phasing out Diesel vehicles in Delhi/NCR, Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) could be fitted into older vehicles including heavy duty commercial vehicles to reduce emissions,but this is possible only if <50 ppm sulfur fuel is available. Giving out measures to check the emissions by DG sets in Delhi/NCR, Dr. Sengupta opined that power availability in Delhi/NCR has to be improved by providing grid supply, new commercial DG sets in Noida and Delhi should be based on CNG and existing DG sets should be retrofitted with requisite pollution control system to reduce Nitrogen Oxides and soot particles.


Dr. Sengupta remarked that most critical and harmful pollutant in the air is PM2.5and the major contributors of PM2.5 in the environment are combustion sources like vehicles, coal, biomass, garbage combustion. Expressing his concern, he said “The levels of Benzene and PM2.5 are very high in the air of Noida which is a matter of grave concern since an average adult inhales 12,000- 15,0000 litres of air everyday and PM2.5 easily enters into respiratory track and blood. Continuous and excessive inhaling of PM2.5  couldcause dire problems such as Premature deaths, Lung Cancer, Heart attacks and Development of Chronic Lung Diseases other problems”


Also present during the occasion were Dr. Anjali Shrivastava, Chief Scientist & Head, CSIR-NEERI Delhi Zonal Laboratory CSIR R & D Center, Naraina Industrial Area; Prof. J.K. Garg, Professor of Environment Management, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University; Dr. B. Sengupta, Environmental Scientist.  Former Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board; Dr. Chirashree Ghosh, Assistant Professor(Sr.), Dept.of Environmental Studies University of Delhi; Dr  K D Gupta, Chairman Institute of Applied Sciences & Rural Development, Assocham National Council of Climate Change, Noida who delivered informative talks and enlightened the audience.


Dr. Anjali Shrivastava, Chief Scientist & Head, CSIR-NEERI Delhi Zonal Laboratory CSIR R & D Center, Naraina Industrial Area sharing her views on Air pollution monitoring andabetment in Delhi, NCR or Urban areas” said that the human beings’ greed andneed of power has led to accelerated changes in the climate leading to air,noise and water pollution, depletion of resources. She remarked that present day life style, increased consumerism in urban areas is adding to the situation; the number of shopping complexes and malls have been increasing rapidly in Delhi/NCR which are highly energy intensive with high carbon footprints. The products which are consumed in Malls and Shopping complexes are flown indifferent parts of the country and even abroad and have to be preserved at certain temperatures which involve a lot of energy and power. Moreover, the people who visit these malls and complexes use vehicles, leading to traffic jams and congestion adding to the toxicity in the air. She called upon the gathering to have empathy towards fellow citizens and next generation by responsibly managing the resources and taking care of their needs and not greed.


Prof.Tanu Jindal- Director, Advisor and Mentor, Amity Institute of Environmental Science and Director, Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management said that World Environment Day is celebrated every year to raise Global awareness for taking positive and speedy initiatives to protect nature and the planet Earth. She highlighted various environment related initiatives and R&D projects carried out by Amity Institute of Environmental Science and Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management.


Students from Amity Institute of Environmental Science and Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management showcased their Environment related projects which were applauded by one and all.