
06 May 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

“Integration of law with other domains necessary to understand social reality” avers Padmashree Prof N R Madhava Menon during the Inauguration of Professional Development Training Workshop on “Intellectual Property Law Practice and Public Interest Advocacy” at Amity University

Amity Law School in association with National Law School of India University, Bangalore and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training, Trivandrum has started with four day professional development training workshop on “Intellectual Property Law Practice and Public Interest Advocacy” at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.


The main aim of the workshop is to help advocates and teachers develop their skills in a variety of law related areas such as Constitutional Litigation, Advocacy, Labor Adjudication, Tort Litigation, Administrative Lawand Adjudication and Environmental Laws amongst others.


The four day workshop was inaugurated by Padmashree Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon, Honorary Professor and IBA Chair on Continuing Legal Education, NLSIU,Bangalore; Prof.(Dr.) R. Venkata Rao, Vice-Chancellor National Law School ofIndia University and Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar, Director, Amity Law School Noida.


Sharing his views on continuing legal education workshop, Prof. N R Madhava Menon said that in an age of specialization and trans-national legal practice, enterprising professionals have to learn the changing demands of legal services and prepare themselves to perform tasks involved. He added that such workshops are organized for law teachers and practitioners to assist them in learning the developments in selected areas of legal practice and to enable acquisition of capabilities in order to brace them for offering specialized services in multiple jurisdictions. Prof. Menon emphasized that human beings are living a society with exploding knowledge and there has been stupendous growth in dissemination of information. He mentioned that in today’s time, the knowledge is doubling in every 2 years as the mode of receiving the information has multiplied. Prof Menon stressed that legal issues today need a multi-disciplinary approach and the practitioners will have to change their mindset and update themselves with the changing needs and urged the practitioners to take up continuing legal education. Advising the participants, he said “Law is a difficult and complex discipline, demanding full-time attention and continuing study and reflection and the more one learns about law in society, the more he realises how little he knows and how engagingit could be. There is no other subject which demands all intellectual capabilities in full measure.”


Enlightening the participants on legal education system, Prof. (Dr.) R Venkata Rao said that there is an increasing concern on quality legal education in India. He added that every year 4.26 billion US Dollars are wasted due to violation of privacy laws, hence it is important for legal professionals to be aware about existing and reformed intellectual property laws. He highlighted that the deliberations during the workshop would focus on intellectual property rights, their relation with public interest and socio-economic development and the demands of equity and compulsions of international trade.


Addressing the gathering, Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar said that Continuing Legal Education ensures that legal and judicial reforms contribute to changing the attitudes and behaviors of lawyers and citizens. He opined that continuing legal education strengthens professionalism, builds public confidence and facilitates consensus and momentum for further reforms. Maj Gen Kumar emphasized that there is a need to take innovative steps in legal practice. He further added that a legal education should have an indisciplinary approach to prepare future lawyers to handle and deal with any case.


The workshop is intended for teachers involved in IPR teaching/research in law schools and young lawyers in IPR Law practice. The training is being attended by 30 law teachers and practitioners across India.