
24 Apr 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Amity awards Scholarships worth several crores to thousands of students during "Scholarship Award Function"

As part of ongoing initiative of promoting talent through providing opportunities for intellectual empowerment, Amity University organized its second session of "Scholarship Award Function at University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

During two days, scholarships worth several crores will be awarded to over 1235 students.

On the second day, over 229 students received "Continuation of On AdmissionMerit Scholarships”; 18 were given “Merit-cum-MeansScholarships”, 198 meritorious students Merit Scholarship During the Programmeand 109 were given Merit Certificates by Dr. Ashok Chauhan-Founder President, Amity Group and Mr. Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University alongwith Dr. (Mrs.) B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University and Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh- Additional- Group Vice Chancellor at Amity University

Sharing his views and congratulating the Scholarship holders, Dr.Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group said that Amity students have the habit of doing extraordinary feats and achieving the best in every field and with these traits they are bound to be successful. Sharing his dreams with the students, Dr. Chauhan said that all Amitians are groomed to become great examples of success which is possible through hard work and good values and averred that his dream of making India a “Superpower” could be fulfilled only through the success of Amitians.

Addressing the proud scholarship recipients and their parents, Mr.Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University said that Amity University, Noida Campus has over 23, 000 students studying and the fact that only few thousand are chosen for Scholarships, bears testimony to the hard work put in by the Scholarship holders. He remarked that there are so many people in the world but only few people reach the pinnacle of success , which is due to their diligence, perseverance and sacrifices made. He averred that children are the dreams of their parents and it is the responsibility of the students to make their parents proud. He advised students to never rest on laurels achieved once and encouraged them to keep striving hard for success in their lives.

While sharing their experiences, students and parents became emotional and outlined how scholarships are a source of great joy and pride for them and the sense of achievement that scholarships offer keep students focused and aligned to their goals

Sharing her experience, one of the “Merit cum Means scholarship holder”- Apoorva Pandey from Amity Institute of Social Sciences thanked Amity University for supporting her throughout her studies, without which continuing her studies would have been difficult .She stressed that the scholarship changed her life for better and imbued in her a sense of respect and self-confidence. She thanked Amity, her faculty members and mentors to have stood by her while she faced turbulent times in her life.

Another Scholarship recipient, Romit Sardana from Amity Law Centre-II outlined how from a below average student in Junior School,he catapulted into a scholar and scholarship holder in College through grit,determination and hard work. He emphasized the importance of hard work and right direction through which, he stressed, nothing is impossible. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Mr. Atul Chauhan and entire Amity fraternity for recognizing and acknowledging the meritorious students through awarding Scholarships.

Sunny Kumar Pandey, yet another Scholarship holder from BBA- Real Estate Programme shared that in the entire generation, he is the one who has received formal education in school and then in college. Coming from a humble background and securing not too well in Boards, he would have faced a tough time pursuing college education but Amity welcomed him with open arms and provided him the necessary fillip to achieve his dreams and realize his full potential.

Father of Parina Jain pursuing MBA- International Marketing thanked Amity profusely for instituting scholarships which act as a source of great pride and inspiration for the recipients. He shared that he was always determined to send his daughter to Amity because he wanted her to be very successful. He thanked Amity for providing holistic grooming to the students and shared his hope that his daughter would expand his business and take it to newer heights with the bounty of education, knowledge and grooming received at Amity.

Father of Namita Dua pursuing English Hons. congratulatedAmity for providing  a platform for encouragement to the students through scholarships which act as a source of inspiration and set students on the path of speedy success.