
20 Mar 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Mr. G P Rao, Management Advisor & CEO, GPR Consulting delivers a Lecture on ‘Global Perspectives for HR’

Amity Business School (ABS) organized a Lecture on ‘Global Perspectives for HR’ by Mr. G P Rao, Management Advisor & CEO, GPR Consulting on 20th March 2015.


Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AUUP welcomed the distinguished guest and thanked him for taking out time to enlighten the budding managers of Amity Business School.


Dr. Sanjeev Bansal, Director, Amity Business School, Faculty members of ABS and students of MBA (HR) participated in the session.


Delivering the lecture, Mr. G P Rao emphasized that Corporate is one of the destinations and not the only destination. He urged the students to consider Entrepreneurship, Consultation etc., also as the other career options.


He stressed that in today's environment opportunities are galore. However, the flip side to it is that with every opportunity comes a high standard that is to be delivered. Further, the business of today is boundary less, at the same time one is expected to cater to the unfamiliar demands of the customers located worldwide. He stated that there are innumerable alliances and associations but the patterns of business are changing at a very rapid pace.


He further emphasized that though businesses reap benefits from technological advancements yet the dearth of right talent affects their overall productivity. As a consequence of the turnaround time being too fast, the risks involved are also very high. Mr. Rao stated that HR comprises of three main functions -People Relations, People Policy and Training and Development and further divided Human Resource Development into Competency, Motivation and Climate. He stated that HR policies play a very important role in maintaining peace and order in any organization.


He suggested that Human Resource Management needs to be"reviewed", "reorganized" and "repositioned" by the medium of - talent pipeline building, industry-academic interface, creative sourcing and use of SMAC (Social Mobile Analytics Cloud).


Mr. Rao remarked that culture-fit selection, role-set exercise,job rotation for growth and internal job postings for flexibility are very important in today’s volatile business scenario.


During the session, he encouraged active participation from the students and answered the queries of all participants.



Dr. R. Sujatha, Associate. Prof., ABS concluded the session with Vote of thanks,inviting the speaker for delivering more such enlightening sessions in futureas well.