
11 Mar 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology & Management organizes a guest lecture on “Digital India” at Amity University

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology &Management organized a guest lecture on ‘Digital India’ by Lt. General AshokAgarwal, Country Head of Location Labs, US & Former President, Institute ofElectronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) at University Campus,Noida.


Addressing thegathering, Lt. General Ashok Agarwalsaid that Indian Telecom Revolution which started almost 30 years ago and bymid nineties Mobile Phones entered the telecom scene. He further added that byend of 1990, almost entire urban India was connected with mobile phone services.He apprised that at present time,mobile phones are not just handset but a tool of empowerment and through that aperson is able to access e-commerce, e-education, e-governance, e-health,entertainment and a myriad of other applications on their smart phones. Lt. GenAgarwal remarked that broadband is the heart around which the DigitalIndia plan revolves. He outlined as per ITU, more than 40 percentof the world’s populations are using internet and this number is growingexponentially. Sharing the report ofWorld Bank of year 2009, he highlighted that t in any low and middleincome group country like India, every 10% increase in Broadband penetrationcould result in 1.4 Percentage point of GDP growth. He emphasized on the fact that in order to extend benefits of governmentschemes, subsidiaries and governance; Broadband connectivityacross the length and breadth of the country will be the key enabler for ‘Digital India’. Lt Gen Agarwal also touched upon the dreamproject of Hon’ble Prime Minister for  having  100 smart cities for which Rs. 7060 croreshave been earmarked in the budget of 2015-16. He explained the basic requisitesof smart cities. Smart cities will have real time control system to providereal time inputs for better management of traffic, intelligent transportsystem, electricity, water and waste management to make hospitable livingconditions for its residents. Residents will also have access to e-governance,e-commerce, e-health ,e-education etc. .Telecom& IT will be the key enabler in realizing smart cities.


The lectureconcluded with a brief Q&A session and a vote of thanks by Lt. Gen.Bhargava – Group Dy. Vice chancellor & advisor AITEM.