
11 Mar 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Amity honors eminent Women Achievers during the celebrations of International Women’s Day

Ms. Pinky Anand- Senior Advocate and Additional Solicitor General of India,   Ms. Nivedita Chaudhary- First IAF Woman Officer to climb Everest and Dr. Shubhra Sanyal – Criminal Psychologist and others honored


The celebrations of International Women’s Day concluded today at Amity with the conferring of “Amity Woman Achiever Awards 2015” on eminent women leaders from different fields during a glittering ceremony held at University Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.


The proud recipients of the Amity Woman Achiever Awards 2015included Ms Pinky Anand-Senior Advocate and Addl Solicitor General of India,   Ms. Nivedita Chaudhary- First IAF Woman Officer to climb Everest, Ms. Sangeeta Vij-President, Women in Science & Engineering (WISE), India Chapter &Technical Director (Structures) Building Engineering - India, AECOM, Noida, Ms. Harsaran Bir Kaur Pandey- Former Regional Expert on Information & Advocacy(WHO)  for South East Asia, Dr. Jyotsna Chatterjee -Founder Member Initiatives :Women in  Development and Chairperson, Joint. Women’s Programme, Ms. Amisha Sethi- Co Founder, Bin Bag NSRCEN ( IIM) Bangaloreand  CMO, Global Zaflin and Dr. Shubhra Sanyal – Criminal Psychologist.


Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group, Dr. (Mrs.)B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and Dr Upinder Dhar-Pro-Vice Chancellor Academics, Amity University Uttar Pradesh conferred the Awards.


Addressing the gathering, Dr.Ashok K Chauhan said that International Women’s Day gives a momentous opportunity to acknowledge,celebrate and honor the great achievements of women leaders in the country. Headded that the women who are the proud recipients of “Amity Woman Achiever Award” are inspirational role models and proved that women can achieve everything that men can and even surpass their achievements. Dr. Chauhan outlined that Amity University has always supported the cause of women empowerment and believes that women are equal to men in every field.


Sharing her life experiences during the occasion, Prof. (Dr.)Balvinder Shukla said that her parents always imbibed the importance of morals, values and education in her and her siblings which encouraged her to dream big in her life. Dr. Shukla apprised that right from her childhood, she dreamt big and gradually with herconfidence and self- belief , she gained success in all domains which were considered male dominated.


Accepting the distinguished honor, Ms. Nivedita Chaudhary- First IAF Woman Officer to climb Everest thanked Amity for bestowing such prestigious honor upon her. She narrated her humble beginning from a small village in India where she was born and how she became determined to break the stereotypes associated with women. She further shared that with her persistence; she did Engineering, joined Army in 2007 and even climbed Mt. Everest in 2011. On being asked whether it was difficult for her to climb Everest being a woman,she responded that it is easier for women to perform such feats since women are the “strongest, toughest and wonderful species” on the planet.


During the ceremony, Dr. Jyotsna Chatterjee was honored with “Amity Woman Achiever Award” for her untiring efforts to promote women empowerment in society.


In her acceptance speech, Dr. Jyotsna Chatterjee extended her gratitude to Amity University for honoring her with the prestigious award.She said that in her entire life she has worked hard for the empowerment of women and she will continue to do so. She added that even after working extensively on the project, she has observed that majority of Indian women are still not aware about their rights and prerogatives. Dr. Chatterjee remarked that Swacch Bharat Abhiyan is not just about cleanliness of garbage in society,home or roads but it is also about cleaning of dirt from mind. She outlined that in present time, both young and old; men and women should work together and share their experiences and thoughts, only then women empowerment will be possible.  


Dr. Shubhra Sanyal – Criminal Psychologist, while accepting theAward, applauded the vision and mission of the Founder of Amity who has brought a revolution in the field of education through the chain of Amity Educational Institutions. Narrating her experience of working with lady criminals in barracks where they are kept, she remarked that it’s true that lady criminals have wronged but at the same time,the fact that they have been wronged cannot be overlooked. Talking about ways to achieve gender equality, she suggested that it is important to empower the disempowered; equipping the women to take decisions on their own. She averred that as long as a man sees woman as woman and a woman sees man as man, there can be no gender equality. “Every child, right from the birth, needs to be taught that he/she is an individual with potential and talent. In a house,where there is mutual trust and understanding between a man and woman, then the child acquire morals and values automatically right from the womb,” stressed Dr. Sanyal.


The students of Amity University presented a colorful dance performance, re-emphasizing the need for supporting women and women empowerment for the growth and development of the country.