
10 Mar 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

“Carbon Dioxide can act as a Signal Transducer to treat Peripheral Vascular Diseases”, avers Prof. N S Dhalla, Executive Director, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences during 7th International Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Sciences’ at Amity University

To spread the awareness about increase in Cardiovascular Disorders & their management, Amity Institute of Pharmacy (AIP) in association with International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, IACS (India Chapter) organized 7th International Conference on “Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Sciences – 2015”(RACS7) at University campus, Sector 125 Noida.

The aim of the seminar was to provide an open and stimulating scientific and cultural exchange which will create an opportunity for participants to share their experiences, foster collaborations across industry and academia and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.

The seminar was inaugurated by Eminent Scientist Dr. Harpal S.Buttar, University of Ottawa, Canada; Prof. N S Dhalla, Executive Director, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, Winnipeg, Canada;Prof. S K Gupta, President, IACS (India Chapter); Prof. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and Prof. S S Agrawal, Organizing Secretary, RACS-7.

Welcoming the gathering, Prof. S S Agrawal said that India has become a hub of cardiovascular diseases as 15% of the total deaths in India are attributed to cardiovascular disease. Keeping this in view, this seminar is aimed to sensitize cardiologists, scientists, academicians and students to familiarize them with recent research developments in the area of cardiovascular disease. “The conference would address new strategic approaches to translate the recent advances in cardiovascular sciences for prevention and treatment of patients with cardiac failure.” opined Prof. Agrawal.

Addressing the gathering, Prof. Balvinder Shukla said that the threat ofheart disease has been glaring in India for years, raising the question one very detail of the existing complicated lifestyle choices, diet and level of physical activity. She apprised that in earlier years not many people in India used to suffer from heart diseases but in present scenario, heart ailments have replaced communicable diseases as the biggest killer; therefore, there is a need to raise awareness about the disease and its risk factors at mass level.Prof. Shukla expressed her hope that the deliberations made during the seminar will result in new research area and scientists will be able to come up with an ideas of maintaining healthy lifestyle without vascular diseases.

Sharinghis views on Peripheral Vascular Disease, Prof. N S Dhalla, IACS said that it is a complex disease causing pandemic condition that has the potential to cause loss of limb or even loss of life. He added that there are some therapeutic interventions for Peripheral Vascular Disease including Thermal Vasodilatation, Angioplasty and Stents but at times the therapies are not effective which lead to amputation. Prof. Dhalla apprised the participants that he had been conducting a research on ‘Carbon Dioxide Bath as Novel Therapy for Peripheral Vascular Disease’ that can be an effective treatment of the disease. He said that the research is based on Animal Model,wherein, the animals suffering from ischemic disease are given Carbon Dioxide Bath Therapy. He explained that after four week treatment, the peak blood flow as measured and it was noticed that blood flow could be established in the ischemic area after the bath.  He further added that 67% of the animals responded to the treatment. Prof. Dhalla highlighted that the mechanism of increase in blood flow by Carbon Dioxide Bath Therapy lead to reduction in oxidative stress, reduction in inflammation, increase in formation of Nitrogen Oxide and alteration in signal transduction system. Based on his research, Prof. Dhalla opined that Carbon Dioxide can act as a Signal Transducer to treat Peripheral Vascular Diseases.

Addressing the gathering, Scientist Dr. Harpal Buttar said that a man is an architect  of his/her own faith, hence, a person should be proud of his/her own achievements. He added that the spreading awareness on cardiovascular disease is very important as the disease is on increase in India which is even affecting the age group of 15 year olds. Dr. Buttar commended Amity University for conducting various researches in the field of science and contributing itfor the benefit of society. 

Duringthe seminar, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences conferred Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President – Amity Group for his contribution in creating awareness about Cardiovascular Diseases through Academia.  On the occasion, Prof. S S Agrawal- Group Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor was awarded with Outstanding Leadership Award for his untiring efforts to promote research in the field of Science.

During the Seminar, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences announced two Oration Awards, namely, Ramesh Goyal Oration Award and Harpal ButtarOration Award which were presented to Dr. Ghassan Bkaily, Professor, Universitede Sherbrooke, Canada and Dr. Devendra Agrawal, Director, Creighton Universityof Medicine, USA.

During the two day seminar, various topics will be deliberated during the scientific sessions including “Clinical Management of Heart Diseases and their Complications”chaired by Dr. Kenneth Rockwood – Dalhousie University, Canada, Prof. Jaipaul Singh- University of Central Lancashire – United Kingdom and Prof Ajit Verma, Advisor, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology;  “Frailty in older adults with heart disease” by Prof. Kenneth Rockwood; “Treatment of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in diabetic rats” by Prof. Addepalli Veeranjaneyulu, NMIMS University, India; “Role of epicardial adipose tissue in heart failure” by Prof. Jan Kyselovic, Comenius University, Slovakia, “Roles ofbeta-adrenergic receptor subtypes in development of diabetic cardiomyopathy” by Prof. (Dr.) Belma Turan, Ankara University, Turkey, amongst others.