
12 Jan 2015|Noida | I2 Moot Court Hall

“There is an increase in demand for legal professionals with the ability to unravel legal complexities”, says Mr. Pulin Kumar, Legal Director, Adidas Group during Guest Lecture at Amity University

Tofamiliarize the students about Corporate Law, Amity Law School, Centre-IIorganized a Guest Lecture by Mr. Pulin Kumar, Legal Director, Adidas Group onthe topic "Corporate Law and Related Employment Opportunities".

The speaker was welcomed by Dr. Aditya Tomar and Dr. Devender Singh,Senior faculty members of Amity University.

Enlightening the students oncorporate environment, Mr. Pulin Kumarsaid that a corporate lawyer is an attorney whose practice involves keeping acorporate or business client out of trouble and is well informed about all thebusiness and legal matters. He further added that the legal advisor to thecompany provides advice on how to operate business concerns while remaininginside the margins of legality. They ensure that the company is functioning asper the statutory framework. Mr. Kumar apprised students that to deal with newchallenges in the corporate world, there has been an increase in demand for legalprofessionals with the ability to unravel legal complexities. He further enlightenedthe students about the legal aspects pertaining to a company especially aboutthe role and challenges of an in-house Counsel. He elaborated that legalaspects are an indispensable part of a successful business environment in anycountry. He also emphasized that every enterprise must take into account thislegal set up while framing the basic aims and objectives of its company andevery law student should be conversant with such laws for successful career incorporate laws. He advised budding law professionals to have an understandingabout various Laws or Acts related to corporate as companies seek advice fromlegal advisors before commencing any new project.

During the lecture, studentsasked pertinent questions related to career opportunities in legal professionwhich were efficiently addressed by Mr. Putin Kumar.