
29 Jan 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Dr. Iddo Dror, Micro Insurance Institute of India delivers lecture at Amity School of Insurance & Actuarial Science

Dr. Iddo Dror, Director - Operations, Micro Insurance Institute of India delivered a lecture at Amity School of Insurance & Actuarial Science on January 29, 2010 at the , F-2 Auditorium, Amity University Campus Sector-125 Noida.

Dr. Dror presented his talk on the topic Strategies to improve lot of marginalized segment of community. The lecture was in commemoration of Amity Human Values Quarter from 28th January to 27th April, 2010.

Dr. Dror discussed the role for Micro Insurance in inclusive growth. Dr. Dror said that there is an overwhelming demand for social protection among the poor. Micro Insurance in conjuction with micro savings and micro credit could, therefore, go a long way in keeping this segment away from poverty trap and would truly be an integral component of financial inclusion.

Dr. Dror said that according to various reports by WHO, India-Annual Report, 77% of health expenditures in Indi are out of pocket and not covered by insurance. Around 3.3% of the Indian Population falls into poverty each year due to health costs. Only 1% of population is covered by registered health insurance and only 1.2% of total health expenditures are channeled through health insurance.

Prof. R.R. Grover, Director, Amity School of Insurance & Actuarial Science presented a memento to Dr. Iddo Dror. Students, faculty members, Senior officials of Amity University were present during the lecture session.