
03 Mar 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

High level delegation from different universities located in Welsh, United Kingdom visits Amity University

A High level delegation comprising of eminent academicians from different universities located in Welsh visited Amity University to mull over the collaborative and mutual research initiatives between the two countries

Dr. Gurinder Singh Pro Vice Chancellor (I) and DG AIBS welcomed the delegation.In the interactive session, the directors of various institutions discussed the cutting edge research work being carried on in their respective institutions, and appraised the delegation with the university’s linkages with overseas universities.

“We should work collectively and collaboratively to arrive at the best possible outcomes of the energy related researches, especially in the area of new and renewable energy”, said Professor David Halton, VC, University of Glamorgan. He also remarked that partnership between industry and academia is very important and student exchange between the two countries would become a stepping stone for further joint ventures in the field of education. He emphasized, “apart from traditional subjects we can collaborate on less traditional subjects like new and renewable energy, public health care, Aero Space Engineering, Aero Space maintenance, Disaster Management etc”. He also expressed his interest in the distance learning programs.

Dr. V.K Jain -Director Amity Institute of New and Renewable Energy shared vital information about the food technology sensors and solar energy. He said that different sensors developed by the students need exposure, and this would only be possible when both the countries work mutually.

While thanking the august gathering Maj. Gen. KJ Singh Vice Chancellor Amity University said this joint venture should have a central focal point so that it can be followed up. The knowledge must be shared. Today many things are gone global but education is yet to become global and from this meeting we can take an initiative to make it global.

High Level delegation comprised of the following members:
1. Professor David Halton, Vice Chancellor University of Glamorgan & Chair of Wales International, Consortium of Universities, UK
2. Professor Iwan Davies, Pro Vice Chancellor, Swansea University, UK
3. Professor Aled Gruffydd Jones, Pro Vice Chancellor, Aberystwyth University, UK
4. Sandra Stephenson, European and External Affairs Division, Welsh Assembly Government, UK
5. Professor Tim Wess, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor, Cardiff University, UK
6. Professor Brian Foxon OBE, Director International Operations, Glyndwr University, UK
7. Dr Mohamed Loutfi, Director of International Development, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK
8. Dr Tove Oliver, European & International Manager, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, UK
9. Mr Virginia West, Director, Wales International Consortium UK