
04 Sep 2015|Noida | E2 Auditorium

Domain of Engineering and Technology organizes CORPORATE MEET 2015

To felicitate the industry leaders for their remarkable contribution in academic industry linkage, Domain of Engineering and Technology organized CORPORATE MEET 2015 at University Campus, sector 125 Noida.


 The aim of the meet was togratify and thank the contribution of the industry guides who had played a keyrole in polishing the talent of our students during summer internship and alsohelped them in recognizing their hidden potentials.


The meet was inaugurated by Prof.(Dr.)Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor AUUP, Lt. Gen P.D. Bhargava, Group Dy. Vice Chancellor, Prof.(Dr.) K.M. Soni, Dy. Dean, Domain (Engg. & Tech.) and HOIs of Domain Engineering & Technology Institutions, Industry Professionals and Prof. P.K. Rohatgi, Chairperson - CORPORATE MEET 2015.


The meet was attended by 170 eminent Industry Professionals, who also interacted with the students and faculty on various technical issues relating to project exhibited.


During the corporate meet, an exhibition was organized wherein live projects and working models were demonstrated by the institutions of Domain of Engineering & Technology.


Addressing the gathering, Prof. (Dr.)K.M. Soni welcomed the audience for having spared their valuable time to grace this mega event. Thereafter, Prof.(Dr.) Abhay Bansal, Joint Acting Head, ASET gave presentation regarding achievement by AMITY UNIVERSITY during the last ten years.


Industry professionals namely Mr.Peter Baker, Director, AT& T Communication Services, India, Mr. P.K. Gupta,General Manager , Texcorp, Mr. S.P Sharma, MD, Creative Tool and other top ranking official of the industry were invited to share their valuable experience with the students and Faculty. Prof.(Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AUUP addressed the gathering mentioning the role of industry and academia to make them industry ready.

Honorable Founder President, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan appreciated the efforts of the industry experts who have played a vital role in polishing the talent of our students and molding their career by giving them relevant exposure during summer internship. A book on “Summary of Summer Internship Project“ was released by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President followed by “Best Leadership Award sector wise” and  “Best Summer Training Industry Guide  Award”.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof.P.K. Rohatgi, Chairperson - CORPORATE MEET 2015.

Corporate Meet 2015 concluded with an interactive platform wherein eminent leaders of various industries participated & discussed to extract out solution for the young growing engineers from the maestros of the field.