
31 Aug 2015|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Amity Law School, Centre-II organizes Panel Discussion on ‘National Judicial Appointment Commission’

Amity Law School, Centre-II organized a Panel Discussion on ‘National Judicial Appointment Commission’ on August 31,2015 at Amity University, Noida

Mr. Rakesh Singh -Bureau Chief,India News and Mr. Rajiv Rathee- Former General Secretary, Delhi High Court Bar Association and Advocate for Supreme Court and High Court shared their views during the Panel Discussion.

Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy. Director Amity Law School, Centre- II welcomed the distinguished guests and introduced them to the students.

Mr. Rakesh Singh- Bureau Chief, India News presented an insight into the National Judicia l appointment Commission and outlined the roles of UPA and NDA Government in the formation of National Judicial Appointment Commission. He briefed students about the relevance and importance of National Judicial Appointment Commission.

Mr. Rajiv Rathee- Former General Secretary, Delhi High Court Bar Association and Advocate for Supreme Court and High Court dwelt on the formation of National Judicial Appointment Commission and how it will bring transparency into the system.  He opined that Pending cases in the Courts should be resolved as early as possible and a time limit should be fixed for the argument of the cases. He stressed that the Judiciary and the Government should not clash because of the National Judicial Appointment Commission.

The students participated in the Question-Answer Round actively and their queries were answered by the speakers effectively.