
02 Sep 2015|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Prof. Swaran Singh from JNU delivers lecture on ' The Rise of China and its Implications for India'

Amity Law School , Noida  organized a Guest Lecture by Prof. Swaran Singh, Chairperson, Center for InternationalPolitics, Organization, Diplomacy and Disarmament, School of InternationalStudies, JNU on ' The Rise of China and its Implications for India' atAmity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Maj. Gen Nilendra Kumar- Director, Amity Law School, Noida and Director General, AmityDirectorate of Research and Innovation in Law and Allied Areas welcomed the distinguished speaker and introduced him to theaudience.

Delivering the interesting lecture, Prof. Singh said that Chinahas been following active foreign policies for years and now with the newGovernment, India is treading the same path. Both the countries are following certaingrowth trajectories and yet there has been a growing asymmetry between the twoemerging Asian economies. Sharingimportant figures, the speaker said that the population of China is 1.35billion with literacy rate of 95% as compared to India which has a populationof 1.24 billion with a literacy rate of 74%. China has over 35 million peoplestaying abroad whereas India has over 24 million NRIs. China is the largesteconomy on the planet in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) which is about$ 18 trillion, as compared to India which has $7 trillion. He stated that though both the countries had roughly 8 to 10 billiondollars of defense expenditures during the early 1990s, now outlays for Indiaand China stand at 49 billion dollars and 186 billion dollars respectively.

Enlightening the budding lawyers further, he stressed that despiteof all the differences, India and China impinge on each other ie. Whateverhappens in China will affect India and vice versa. He opined that, while in history, India and China may have survived with verylimited interaction, the rise of China and India in this new age of informationtechnology driven globalization makes it impossible for these two neighbors, withdisputed boundaries to ignore each other. Hestressed that both the countries fail to understand that National Sovereigntyis not equivalent to Territorial Integrity. He emphasized that Kashmir is amatter of contention not just between India and Pakistan but amongst India,Pakistan and China since, China also shares a boundary with Kashmir.

Sharing an important forecast, Prof. Singh averred that Chinese economywill surpass US economy by 2026 and the corroborating factor is growing Chinesevisibility, duly supported by FBIS Quantitative Method developed by Prof.Michini from Tokyo which shows that the all powerful economies of the world aretalking about China and its rapid upsurge.

Referring to the IndiaChina 2025 -RAND Corporation Study 2011, the speaker quoted that thepopulation of India and China will become equal at 1.4 billion and from then on, India will surpass China, but for economic competition-it is not the size butthe age composition that matters. India having the advantage of richdemographic dividend, the working age population of  India will cross China by 2025, which willincrease India’s productivity and reduce India’s dependency on other countries.Dwelling on Science and Technology front, Prof. Singh shared that Chinaproduces 70% more Engineers than India (6,00,000 v/s 3,50,000), However,employability of China’s Engineers will be 60% less than India by 2025.

The students posed questions to the learned speaker after thelecture which he answered elaborately.

Maj. Gen (Retd.) Nilendra Kumar thanked Prof. Singh for enlightening the students with his knowledge and felicitated him with a memento.