
05 Aug 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Amity School of Fashion Technology organizes a Seminar on “Industry expectations from Young Fashion Professionals”

“Apparel and Fashion Industry would need 6 million additional skilled manpower by 2022”avers Dr. Roopak Vasishtha- CEO and Managing Director at Apparel Made-Ups &Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council during a Seminar at Amity


“To translate Inspiration into a final product and communicating or presenting it in an artistic manner is the need of the hour in Fashion Industry,” emphasized eminent Fashion Designer Nida Mahmood while addressing the students of Amity School of Fashion Technology during a Seminar on“Industry expectations from Young  Fashion Professionals” held at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.


Further Ms. Mahmood encouraged them to understand thoroughly theprocess of designing, which starts from an inspiration without which an artistcannot pick up a pen and draw. She briefed that Fashion Industry is a fast growing industry and serious revolutions are possible in this industry. What is trending at a particular point of time may not be so the next day. She highlighted that in order to communicate a design with most impact, a designer has to go beyond boundaries and his imagination has to take a leap. “A Designer should always try to create something unusual but at the same time, ensure that the end product is wearable, “advised Ms. Mahmood. She called upon students to keep their minds open and become like a sponge, continuously absorbing the knowledge and expressing themselves in myriad ways.


Welcoming the distinguished guests, Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Joshi, Director General, Amity Directorate of Applied Arts, Fine Arts, and Performing Arts& Visual Arts shared that in the beginning of every Semester , Amity School of Fashion Designing organizes such Seminars to update students with the industry expectations and the Institute works in close sync with the industry to nurture students who are industry ready. He stressed that post 1990, the Fashion Industry started growing exponentially and now with, world becoming a global village and E-revolution, students are faced with lot of challenges and opportunities, for which they have to be prepared and Industry Interfaces are important step inthis direction.


Dr. Roopak Vasishtha- CEO and Managing Director at Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council, while addressing the students said that Apparel and Textile Industry is the second largest employment provider in the country after Agriculture, providing direct employment to over 45 million people. Apparel and Textile Industry has huge intake capacity and the industry is thriving for skilled and educated work force. He shared that the domestic textile and apparel industry in India is estimated to reach USD 100 Billion by 2016-17 from USD 67 Billion in 2013-14a nd the Industry would need 6 million additional manpower by 2022. He briefed that Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council has been set up to produce students as per industry demands and plans to certify 2 million people till 2022 in Apparel Sector. He apprised students that post January 1, 2017, no one shall be allowedto leave India for work permit without Skill Certificate. Dwelling on the industry expectations from young talent, he further said that students should know their industry well, improve oratory skills, be confident and work with ingenuity.


Mr. Ashvinder Singh- Managing Director, Uni Style Image motivated students to set up their own standards and aspirations and start designing their wardrobes right from the beginning. He briefed students that there are various sectors existing in Fashion Industry including “Value for money Brands”, “Aspirational Brands”, “Luxury Brands” and “Super Luxury Brands” and it is on students to decide whether they want to design for masses or classes.


Sharing his views, Mr. Ashok Raman, Vice President- Marketing, Shahi Exports stressed that India’s apparel export is miniscule 3% of the global trade as compared to China which is 39% of the global trade. Sharing the mantra for success, he called upon the students to have a passion to bring the best fashion in quickest possible time, to be inquisitive, focus on their strengths and work as a team together for common goal.


Also present during the occasion were Ms Shalini Ahuja- Accessory Designer, Shalini Arts and Ms Stuti Jalan- MD, Crosshairs Communication.