
14 Jul 2015|Noida | Amity Aampus

Dr. Colin Coulson-Thomas, Director, IOD (Institute of Directors) delivered a talk on “How could Board Members & Directors add more value”

Dr. Colin Coulson-Thomas, Director, Board Chairman, Adviser, IOD (Institute of Directors) delivered a talk on “How could Board Members & Directors add more value” at Amity University Campus,Sector-125, Noida

Dr. Ajit K. Nagpal, Chairman, Amity PACIFIC Forum welcomed the distinguished guest and introduced him to the gathering.

Addressing the budding entrepreneurs from Business Schools of Amity, Dr. Colin Coulson-Thomas very succinctly brought out the role of Board Members and Directors in a Company and what all they could do to add value to the organization. He highlighted the ways through which employee engagement could be ensured in an organization and how “Change Management” could be done seamlessly across the organization.

The lecture was attended by hundreds of students, Directors and Institutional Heads and faculty members