
14 Feb 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

National Law University, Orissa wins Amity Moot Court Competition

The 3rd International Moot Court Competitionorganized by Amity Law School, Centre –II concluded today at Amity Campus,Sector 125, Noida with team from National Law University, Orissa wining thecompetition.


The moot court competition provides a learning opportunity tobudding legal professionals for improving their oral and written advocacy,research and collaboration skills by developing expertise on cutting-edgeinternational legal issues.


The issue deliberated upon during the moot focused InternationalEnvironmental laws, wherein, two fictitious companies namely, UnitedCorporation of Bracian Ltd (UCBL), State of Bracia and Union PhoseneCorporation (UPC), State of Sera were facing charges for human life disasterthrough Amot Gas Tragedy in Krav City, State of Bracia, which happened due tomalfunctioning of Pesticide Plant owned by UBCL with shares of UPC undercertain agreement. The public petition was filed after the protest pertainingunjust settlement negotiated by the Bracian government and the subsequentpermission granted by the Bracian Supreme Court to allow UPC to sale all itsshares in UCBL to another company. The teams had to present their argumentsbefore the court pertaining to the violation of International Human Rights Law,International Environmental Law and International Criminal Law.


Mr. Collin Gonsalvis, Director, Human Rightsand Law Network (HRLN), Senior Advocate, Supreme Court; Prof. (Dr). S. ShivKumar, Senior Research Professor and Former Director of Indian Law Institute(ILI); Prof. (Dr). U.P. Sinha, Vice- Chancellor, Central University, Haryanaand Prof. (Dr.) R. Venkata Rao,Vice Chancellor, National Law School of IndiaUniversity (NLSIU), Bangalore, Mr. Prashant Mendiratta, Advocate, Supreme Courtof India; Mr. Rodney D Ryder, Director, Scriboard Law Firm; Mr. justice A KPattnaik, CAT, Orissa; Mr. R S Goswami, Advocate, Supreme Court of India andDr. (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradeshgraced the Valedictory Ceremony.


Addressing the gathering, Prof. (Dr.) BalvinderShukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Utter Pradesh said that in present time, the global andregional environmental issues are the growing concern of International Law. Sheadded that over the period of time, various debates over environmental concernsare been conducted at international platforms that to lead numerousinternational agreements and declarations. She remarked that while in the past,traditional procedures and principles of law may have been sufficient to governthe interactions between states but today's international problems rarely fallalong state lines, and hence are not easily addressed by our state-centeredpolitical system which has resulted in rapid development of InternationalEnvironmental law in response to the recent explosion of global markets,technology and population. Dr. Shukla praised the participating teams formaking commendable arguments during the moot court proceedings regarding theenvironmental law.


Sharing the litigations of Bhopal gas Tragedy, Mr. Collin Gonsalvis said that the litigation for the mootcourt problems were on similar lines to the worst mass disaster incident inBhopal. He added that the then central government enacted as the statute whichtook away the rights of the victims to file the case in courts and the victimsreserved miserable compensation that is the 1/20th of the amount they deserve. Hecommended Amity for selecting the problem which is not only limited toInternational Environment but also concern about Human Rights. Mr. Gonsalvisadvised the budding legal professionals that ‘law is a marathon and the one whoruns fastest at beginning is not necessarily the person to win the marathon.’The thoughtful, introspective, the person who is bound to his position and researcheswell, the person who thinks from his heart and head; that is the lawyer whowill ultimately succeed in life. He further outlined the ultimate requirementin profession is that the lawyer who believes in the case or cause, he/she isfighting for, is tend to succeed.

Underlying the importance of moot courtcompetitions, Prof. (Dr). S.Shiv Kumarsaid that through moot court, law students develop their writingand oral advocacy skills with a professional courtroom experience. He addedthat such programmes polish the skill of presentation of the student and trainthem in giving appropriate and logical response to the spontaneous query ofJudges. He remarked that the art of advocacy are must in order to becomesuccessful lawyer. Prof. kumar appreciated the efforts of the participatingteams and said that the budding lawyers presented their arguments in aprofessional manner and during the deliberations, they converted their legalknowledge to courtroom practice.


On the occasion, DiyaDasgupta, student of National Law University said that Moot courts are greatlearning experience for law studentswherein we get a platform to practice ouranalytical legal skills, build confidence in public speaking and improvise ourknowledge in front of practicing counsels and advocates.


During the competition, out of 32 participating teams, GujaratNational Law University, Gandhinagar; Government Law College, Mumbai; WestBengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata and National Law University,Orissa presented their legal skills in semi final round with Gujarat NationalLaw University and National Law University vying in finals.


After meticulous deliberations and arguments in the final roundNational Law University emerged as the winner. Ms. Vidhi K Tiwari from NationalLaw School bagged the award for “Best Researcher” and Divya Dasgupta from sameUniversity was awarded for “Best Counsel”. The trophy for “Second Best Counsel”was bagged by Ms. Vishakha Chaudhary, Gujarat National Law University,Gandhinagar.

The Second Runner Up for the moot court competition was teamfrom Government Law College, Mumbai and the prize for “First Runner Up” wasbagged by Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar.

