
12 Feb 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Amity Youth Fest – the three day knowledge cum entertainment extravaganza commence at Amity University, Noida.

Amity Youth Fest – the three dayknowledge cum entertainment extravaganza commence at Amity University, Noida.


The three day spectacleepitomizes the creativity and vigor of the quintessential spirit of AmityUniversity and its students. The three day fest will include plethora oftechnical as well as cultural events which will showcase and assess themultifarious talents of the youth.


The fest was inaugurated byGuest of Honour Mr. S.K Saini ,Vice President, Tata Powers ltd., Mr. AtulChauhan – Chancellor – Amity university Uttar Pradesh, Prof. (Dr.) BalvinderShukla- Vice Chancellor – AUUP, Prof. ( Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Group Addl. ViceChancellor, Amity, Dr. W Selvamurthy – President – Amity Science Technology andInnovation Foundation and Dr. Ravi Prakash, Chairperson, Amity Youth fest 2015.


Motivating the participants, Mr.Atul Chauhan said that the students who are selected to represent theirInstitutes in various events have great responsibility and privilegeas   they are the brand ambassadors of their respective Institutes.He further encouraged students to utilize the platform of Amity Youth Fest todisplay their talent and optimize the opportunity to network with globalpersonalities that are present during the fest. Mr. Chauhan outlined that theyouth festival is constituted to bring together the power of youth as the worldis looking up at the youth with great expectations. He also highlighted thatsuch events act as a training ground for students to enhance their skills andto bring out the best of each participants.


Sharing the vision of FounderPresident – Dr. Ashok Chauhan, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla said that Amitybelieve in developing the overall personality of the students asprofessionals with excellent communication and softer skills. She further addedthat an event like Amity Youth fest is very important to groom the overallpersonality of the students. She remarked that the Youth Festival is by theyouth of Amity for the youth and of the youth. 


Addressing the gathering, Mr.S K Saini said that there is a history of association between Amity andTata powers and both of them share the similar vision. He further added thatjust like Amity, Tata Group focuses on utilizing the strength of youth power asIndia is the country of young generation wherein the youth are innovators,builders, creators and leaders of future. Mr. Saini opined that the youngsterscan transform the society, if they have proper education, skills and decisionmaking power. He commended Amitians and all other students for their energy anddisplay of creativity and talent during the fest. He remarked that Amity isdoing a lot for the society by providing a global platform of knowledge andskills to students. He expressed his wishes for the success of Amity YouthFest.


University reverberated with loudroars, whistles and thunderous applauses throughout the day. A wide array oftechnical, management and cultural events unfolded including Rock Bandcompetition, Marketing competition, Antrangi- Nukkad Natak, TechEx, Pixels –Photography Exhibition, Fashion Show, Solo Singing competition, MockParliamentary Session that formed the core of day’s fest.

Over 10 embassies areparticipating in the AYF including Germany, France, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Japan,Russia and Israel that will promote their heritage, culture, tourism, educationcuisine and lifestyle bringing out the International essence.

During TechEx 2015 wasorganized in which students of Amity School of Aerospace Engineering displayedvarious models of Aircrafts and Drone, while students of Amity School ofEngineering and Technology showcased their projects on Solar Roadway, SolarPipe Inspection and cleaning Robot and Solar Charger. The Innovative projectsof the students were highly praised by the judges.

During a marketing competitionnamed ‘Vipnan’ wherein 22 teams from various institutes such as GautamBudh University, Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute, Jaipuria Institute ofManagement, NILMS, IIM Kanpur, Delhi College of Engineering and MDUparticipated. The quiz questions of marketing competition were based on DigitalMarketing, Social Media and Web.

The attraction of the day was Antaragni– Nukkad Natak Competition wherein 19 teams from various institutesperformed on different themes, such as Team of Vivekanand College performed aplay based on Humanity, Amity School of Economics spread the message of LadaiPehchaan ki, Lalit Kala Sansthan, Agra displayed a strong performance withtheir play on corruption with poverty, Elhelon Institute of Technologyperformed on Women Empowerment, Shahid Rajguru College emphasized on theimportance Sex education with their play and student team of FDDI spread themessage of drug addiction amongst others.

The twilight of the fest sparkledwith sizzling “Fashion Show – An Evening with Fashion” wherein 9 teams fromvarious colleges across Delhi NCR including pearl academy of fashion, Delhi,IMS DIA, FDDI, JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Pearl Academy, GD GoenkaUniversity, Satyam Fashion Institute, Institute of fine Arts and Institute ofHome Economics vied with one another for the top spot in the competitive fashionshow. The theme of the Fashion show was ‘Ethnic Elegance’ wherein theparticipating teams sashayed down the ramped with their traditional Indianoutfits combined with contemporary touch.  The creations displayed apalette of colors including of pastel greens, pink, and cream along with mirrorworks. Various participating teams had used blend of different texturesincluding silk, nets and georgettes.

The Chief Guest of the show was Mr.Gaurav Gupta – a renowned Fashion Designer. The evening saw the presence ofgalaxy of eminent personalities as Guest of Honors including Mr. Rahul,Fashion Designer, Sirali by Gunjan & Rahul; Mr. Vikrant Makkar, FashionDesigner; Ms. Deepali Mathur, CEO & Founder, Elysian Hues and Ms. NaliniMehta, Editor of a renowned magazine.

Institute of Home Economicspresented a mesmerizing performance and emerged as the winner of the FashionShow, while, GD Goenka University and Pearl Academy of Fashion Institute, Noidabagged the award for second runner up and third runner up, respectively.

During the three day fest variousother interesting events will be hosted including International ArtistsPerformance, Nrityarsh – Solo Dance Competition, Oscillation – Western DanceCompetition, Zeitgeist, Rang Raise – Folk dance Competition and sizzling StarNight performance by Singer Ankit Tiwari.